Angel Beats! - General Discussion

I love reading novels, but that’s because I love language and gives you a completely different version of it’s movie equivalent. With manga I feel like I’m reading a watered-down version of anime. The only advantage I really see from reading the manga is a) there is no anime adapted from it or b) the pacing is better or plot is executed more efficiently.
The latter doesn’t bother me, but since there is no other form of Heaven’s Door other than the manga, I can see the value in reading it.

I think the novel Track Zero goes into the past. I haven’t read it so I have no idea if it’s the same or if it even has an English translation.

Track Zero follows the same plot, yes, but it kinda stopped… Heaven’s Door has continued long past Track Zero.

Before I explain about this topic, I can say that I’m both a fan of Angel Beats! and Armored Core, So I have planned to make a fanfiction crossover between Angel Beats! and Armored Core with my style.

Alright, Let’s see what I said When I play AB:OW with Armored Core’s word
-Operation Start=Main System: Operation Accepted, Ready to deploy.
-Battle Start=Main System: Engaging Combat mode.
-Operation Success=Operation Objective Archieved, System switch returning to normal mode.
-Operation Failed=Operation Failed, hailing to the SSS base.
-High Tension Mode=System Warning: High Tension Mode Activated.
That just System words, here this is the armored core pilot word.
-Operation Start: Affirmative, Yuri. All unit attack, Annihilate the enemy shadows.
-Operation Success: Operation complete. Irie and Other member, heading back.
-Operation Failed: It’s over, Irie. Return to base…
-High Tension Mode: Now, It’s time to die!, the Damned Shadow!!!
That’s all that I said.

I wish you luck in your writing endeavors!




Ahh, It’s just come from my personality so don’t worry about my post. :sweat_smile:

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It’s not just about the fleshing out of the characters; the chemistry between characters is just as important, and the AB cast has great chemistry. The personality of all the characters are pretty diverse, and I can’t say the same for other key games.

That and, if you read Heaven’s Door, you’d see that they aren’t as empty as you might think they are :stuck_out_tongue: My rating of Angel Beats isn’t just the anime, you know


This would be my reasoning for the chance that AB could be the best Key work ever. At least to me.


Visual arts just uploaded a video for AB


At least this mobile game won’t be as static as ABOW was. Though I hope they still have pretty art for us to look at/progression system or something.

It looks more like a proper game. However something tells me PAY TO GET MORE BALLS

My only two mobages have been ABOW and Fate/Grand Order, the latter of which makes ABOW look like they give away SSRs like candy. I’ll be happy with whatever this new one is, as long as they have a free gacha and it’s not insane rates.

Assuming they have some kind of gacha thing. Guess we’ll find out.

Yeah this one actually looks fun, as compared to ABOW. In usual japanese mobage fashion, it’ll probably have a life bar that determines when you can play a game, and will have cards (with illustrations) that give you more powerups or some shit.

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Oh, I heard that Key has planned to release a new Angel Beats! game. And of course I have been waiting for it.

Do you know what kind of game? RPG or is it like the mobile one?

Yay! I’m excited for it; should come out this winter, so shouldn’t be too long…

Look like It become a multiple genre game. I think.

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