It’s just a good read. Feels =/= greatness, son!
That wasn’t even good especially when Misuzu says to walk in separate directions. They’re practically forcing the sadness in.
Best girl route begins tomorrow >:]
No but they help more often than not. lol
Because she takes at least two text boxes to say anything and it’s frankly annoying.
Honestly I think that makes her stand out.
There is no other girl in Key who’s so utterly average and bland!
But Michiru is there, so by the time Minagi speaks, you should just be thankful that it isn’t Michiru.
I don’t like Michiru at all.
So much Michiru hate!! D’:
I love Michiru so much I think she’s adorable and so full of life.
And I love her little interactions with Yukito and Potato and I think she perfectly complements Minagi’s personality.
I’d take Minagi and Michiru over Kano and Hijiri and day
Nah Taka, I ment out of relevant characters.
Yeah this was a pretty good scene I loved how even Potato was looking to Yukito for help. But her character can get a little grating at times especially when you can’t even have a conversation with her because she instantly starts yelling at Yukito until she eventually leaves or someone else distracts her.
[quote=“Kanon, post:67, topic:902, full:true”]
Nah Taka, I ment out of relevant characters.
[/quote]The shots they have been fired.
I don’t like Michiru because she’s a brat. She hits Yukito without any remorse whatsoever. Kano, for example, when she hit him and initiated the sumo match, the first thing she did was apologize! You never hear any apologies from Michiru.
Of course, that just opens more potential for “character development” for Michiru
She is such a brat (and that’s why I love her XD) but it’s also important to remember she is younger and more immature than the main heroines.
But I do agree that it’s get a little annoying when you’re trying to have a conversation with her and the whole time she’s just yelling about how much she hates Yukito.
The Real MVP has arrived I mean, hey I finally finished Common
[quote=“Aspirety, post:49, topic:902”]
If you can, try to get each route read within a week.
[/quote]Ah, sorry, especially with it being so short I probably should have been able to, but this past week was pretty darn busy for me. I’ll see if I can do it for the character routes
[quote=“Aspirety, post:29, topic:902”]
Would anybody like to volunteer for the job of chronicler for the AIR bookclub?
[/quote]I’d be willing to if you’d still like this.
[quote=“Pepe, post:50, topic:902”]
I’m not using the walkthrough, BTW, so I’ve seen a few different stuff that you others may have not yet. Especially with Misuzu suddenly breaking down. That was some crazy stuff
[/quote]Ooo when did that happen? Sounds kinda important.
Ohhhh yes! Thank you so much for reminding me of this. I knew something felt off when he said “I need to leave so I can make money,” but I just couldnt think of what it was.
[quote=“Pepe, post:43, topic:902”]
I don’t exactly know why people love Minagi so much. Her manner of speaking frustrates me.
[/quote]I usually feel the same way with those kinds of characters. Most of the time the shy, s…l…o…w…s…p…e…a…k…i…n…g, or always s-s-s-tutering girls don’t feel real, and just kinda get on my nerves while I’m waiting for them to finish (like Kotomi and Ryou). But I don’t know. I liked Minagi. Though I didnt really see enought of her yet to explain why.
Hey @Bizkitdoh, how many RAMEN SETTOs did you count? I counted seven.
I’ll go into more detail about everything like specific scenes and charatcers in another post so this one doesn’t get unbearably long.
And I guess I’ll save all music discussion for another post too.
Yukito says something about “the continuation of the dream” he had on the bus, referencing him feeling like he was flying. Which of course fits perfectly with the first part of the VN being called “Dream.”
This was actually the first time a VN OP worked on the first time for me without having to do some futzing. Obviously Tori no Uta is great. Not my favorite, but still is a good song that fits the setting really well. Also something about the 1000th Summer and an ancient promise. Obviously foreshadowing, but I havent figured it out yet.
The first line after the OP is “Farewell.” Again. Obviously foreshadowing, but this one feels especially disconnected and mysterious. Well, besides the fact that the ED is called Farewell Song.
Some questions I still have:
How old is Yukito?
What is studying?
Does time exist in the sky?
Holy crap Misuzu’s map is a piece of art!
And, oh yeah, Potato best girl.
It happens when ypu choose to play with Misuzu note that I still considered it as part of common, because you can still get the bad end from there
My ramen setto count was about 7 but I didn’t really list them down lol
You’ll see this once you go back to do Misuzu’s route.
From these comments I’m guessing you do not know the story of AIR. But it’s good you picked up on these as they’ll become more relevant later on.
[quote=“yerian98, post:71, topic:902”]
I’d be willing to if you’d still like this.[/quote]
I would appreciate that very much! It won’t have much bearing on your MVP status though, keep that in mind
If you just wanna continue on from Minagi route onwards, that’s fine too.
100 percent confirmed if for no other reason look at the range of emotions he conveys with nothing more than “pico”. We get happy potato, surprised potato, sad potato, frantic potato, and distressed potato. Potato shows more character in the common than some of the heroines so yes 10/10 would potato route again.
Potato is male. He can’t be best girl. Also, he’s annoying.
I suddenly feel like I’m in a Saekano discussion post on reddit…
Best character, then! Don’t forget creepily dancing Potato! That’s the best one!
Thats OK its not like I would need an extra boost to help me anyways I’ll do it tomorrow since Im free
I’ll just cover the events that occur when you use all the walkthrough choices if thats OK
I guess I’ll talk about the music so far now.
Awww my main man, the late Magome Togoshi, composer of greats like The Girl’s Fantasy, Ushio, Existance, Worth Living, and the entirety of the planetarian OST, starting everything off with a bang. And by a bang, I mean “HOLY CRAP I almost just cried and I’m not even 10 seconds in.” Kaisouroku, or Reminiscence, is so beautiful. This is probably the best way I’ve seen a VN start yet. My favorite parts are all the flams (sorry for using a drumming term, I don’t know if there’s a piano term for it) where it almost sounds like a note was hit by accident and then the “right” note was immediately played.
Next Natsukage, or Summer Lights, the only track we’ve heard so far that could possibly dethrone the above. Of course its by Maeda. Of course it is. Only composes three (really two) tracks in the entire VN and they just happen to be the best. Anyways as Misuzu’s character theme, I feel it fits her perfectly. Misuzu’s personality, her voice, and this song are all amazingly soothing, calm, “healing.” It makes you feel like you’re floating in the sky through eternity on a soft summer wind. Ahhhhh. It also somehow fits Yukito’s meeting of Misuzu and departure from Misuzu both perfectly. I don’t know if this happend for anyone else, but at the bad end, the track ended at the exact same time the lines did, so it left a kinda extra impactful experience.
Oh yeah, and I laugh at myself because I always jump whenever Esoragoto, or Fabrication, plays. I swear, that sudden “AAHHHhhhhhh” startles me every time. Its a really good track though. Very mysterious, even when that mystery hilariously turns out to be Potato ;D
Honestly, every track really conveys the feelings you’d associate with the themes really well. Its all relaxing; some tracks feel like a soft refreshing breeze; some feel almost like they’re dragging along, like the heat is bearing down on you and time just keeps stretching. Its been below 0 almost every day where I live, and yet whenever I read AIR I feel like its really summer. The whole thing is a extremely impressive feat.
Just a reminder guys that there’s only 45 hours left until we record the podcast! Please make sure you get your contributions (discussion, fanart, pre-recorded messages etc) in by then so we can incorporate them into the podcast!
Wait, he’s dead?? I didn’t know this. That’s very sad…
Since we’re running on a tight schedule I’ve organised between myself, Biz and Pepe to try and handle it tonight. If you want to serve as chronicler for future routes though, that would certainly be appreciated!