Little Bits of Key News

I just found out about it earlier as well. They may or may not be selling it during the new KSL? Not sure

What’s a rough translation of the text in that image?

All I get is it looks like some Hinoue and it’s on a page that has AB! project copyright at the bottom. Lol

Got this from the visualstyle magazine in comiket. Google Translate says it’s about an android developing feelings but I am lazy to figure out the rest at the moment…

And there’s typo below… “Riwrite”… lol


So, for anyone who wants it, i scanned the book that came with the latest issue of Dengeki magazine.

I’m sorry for the quality, my scanner is horrible.

Eh, is it okay to share published materials in this forum?

But thanks anyway, @raiyan I really enjoyed that Sasagiri Yuuya’s Maeda in the making

I asked Aspirety and he said it was fine. I’ll take it down if I get any complaints.

Well… We’ll leave it there for the time being :stuck_out_tongue:

The next issue of Comptiq will apparently feature a “brand new project” by Key & Itaru Hinoue:

I guess this is about the Holy Breaker Sequel…?

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Maybe properly announcing Harmonia?

Either that or Harmonia

Nah, another new VN.

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I moved 5 posts to a new topic: Upcoming Key Events Detailed

good news,

seems Baba Takahiro is working on getting Rewrite (and Kud Wafter and Planenatrian) animated (Japanese link)


T_T Oh no… I really wished that happened. Though, making a Rewrite anime would be quite hard.




This was from a while ago. Can’t find where we discussed it but we thought it was just them saying “we’ll make these animes if studios offer us”.

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Yeah, this isn’t News anymore. It’s just Olds.

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T_T. Oh no… Really wished that happened. But making a Rewrite anime would be quite difficult.