My ideas so far:
- “Caption this” contest (inspired by @Madekuji_san). Organizers provide the pics. Best caption gets bonus points (decided by vote or jury)
- Meme contest. Many variations possible. Like, same as “caption this”, the pic is provided by organizers and the teams have to construct a meme around it. Or the other way around - oganizers name a meme type and the teams look for a pic and turn it into that type of meme
- Make a rule prohibiting teams from voting for their own stuff. Usually, if you put effort into something, that entry will end up being your favorite a lot of the time. I know that cause I ended up voting for my team’s entries on multiple occasions. So it’s probably better for the creators if they don’t have to deal with this dilemma in the first place. A software solution would be nice but… unlikely, I guess?
- do live events at varying times so that people from different time zones get to participate
- Write a new route. Fanfiction event. The teams can pick a character who doesn’t have a route from any key VN and write them a route. To keep things organized, some parts of the format and required info should be determined beforehand