Winter Festival 2018 General Hub

We decided to up the total for the Design a Key Character event to 4 light orbs per entry. Team Happiness also took the Podcast vote! Let’s see the results.

Chocomint: 31
Buff Busters: 29
Vitamin C: 37
Team Happiness: 32

New totals for today (birdwatching and karaoke). Buff Busters wins the Character Design poll!

Chocomint: 34
Buff Busters: 34
Vitamin C: 43
Team Happiness: 37

A few updates! Near-full participation for the CLANNAD Movie, Your Unlikely Ship has been processed and voting is in progress, full attendance for Naze da, with Buff Busters winning and Vitamin C scoring a bonus orb for passion, and full attendance for Emoji with Team Happiness securing the win. 100% Orange Juice kinda failed because Chocomint and Buff Busters didn’t turn up, so we only awarded 2 light orbs to Vitamin C and Team Happiness for attendance.

With that said, here are the totals!

Chocomint: 42
Buff Busters: 43
Vitamin C: 54
Team Happiness: 47

It’s Christmas eve! We’re gonna be closing almost all the current events tonight in preparation for Christmas day, so people can relax with their families. But don’t forget to give Kaza a look, as we will have a couple of little things happening!


The 4 events have finished, and here is the current tally of scores!

Chocomint: 49
Buff Busters: 51
VitaminC: 63
Team Happiness: 56

Your attention please

We have a bunch of results to announce today!

First up, poll results. Buff Busters won the 4koma and Voicemail polls, and Team Happiness won the the Debate poll!

For the spirit of giving, subtracting light orbs gained from light orbs received: Chocomint gained 2, Buff Busters lost 49, Vitamin C lost 6, and Team Happiness gained 49.

We also have the Secret Santa orbs! Awarding two orbs for everyone who sent a gift, Chocomint earns 4, Buff Busters earns 4, Vitamin C earns 6, and Team Happiness earns 8!

The current totals are:

Chocomint: 55
Buff Busters: 8
Vitamin C: 63
Team Happiness: 118

Merry Christmas everyone! :sparkling_heart:

So for Secret Hitler we have 1 attendance for Chocomint, 2 for VitC and 3 for Happiness. VitC claimed victory for an extra light orb.
For Christmas, we had full participation from everyone but Buff Busters, who only got 2.
For Ping Pong, @LoliconExE is the winner, with Echo coming second!

Here are the current totals.

Chocomint: 63
Buff Busters: 10
Vitamin C: 69 (Nice)
Team Happiness: 127


After the Crossover Meeting event, everyone gets full orbs for participation. Make sure to vote for your favorite!

Here are the current totals:

Chocomint: 66
Buff Busters: 13
Vitamin C: 72
Team Happiness: 130


Here are the current totals!

Chocomint: 74
Buff Busters: 17
Vitamin C: 83
Team Happiness: 138

The due time of all events has passed. December 31st is the last day you can post your submissions to be acknowledged as part of the festival. Keep at it!

We’re at the last day! There’s still 17 hours left until the end of the festival, so you still have time to get late submissions in, but I’ve tallied up all of the light orbs earned so far.

Chocomint: 80
Buff Busters: 25
Vitamin C: 92
Team Happiness: 146

I think it could be anyone’s game honestly :umu:

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As announced on The Monthly Terra, here are the awards for the Winter Festival!

Graphic Design Award
The team with the most impressive Graphic Design: Team Happiness!

Guardian Award
The team that was able to Change Themselves: Vitamin C!

Gaia Award
The team that was able to Change the World: Buff Busters!

Participation Award
Team that the highest participation overall: Vitamin C!

Competitive Spirit Award
Team that won the highest number of non-vote events: Vitamin C!
They won Speedrunning, Secret Hitler and New Discussion!

People’s Choice Award
"Team that won the highest number of voted events: Buff Busters!
They won Design a key character, Voicemail and 4koma!

Quizmaster Award
Team that racked up the most points for the trivia events: Chocomint!

Light Orb Award
Team that obtained the most light orbs: Team Happiness!

Chocomint: 83
Buff Busters: 25
Vitamin C: 97
Team Happiness: 146

REAL Light Orb Award
Team that obtained the most light orbs, not including the Spirit of Giving: Vitamin C!

Chocomint: 81
Buff Busters: 76
Vitamin C: 100
Team Happiness: 94

Empathy Award
Team that best exemplified Kaza’s value of Empathy: Team Happiness!

Quality Award
Team that best exemplified Kaza’s value of Quality: Vitamin C!

Fun Award
Team that best exemplified Kaza’s value of Fun: Buff Busters!

Chocomint: StarfishBender!
Buff Busters: Pepe!
Vitamin C: Naoki_Saten!
Team Happiness: grooven!

Thank you to everyone that made this event possible! I’ll be sure to upload the Monthly Terra as soon as I can so you guys can enjoy this finale.


And as promised, here is the Monthly Terra, capping off the festival.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the festival and made it the awesome event it was! I’ve awarded you all forum badges for your efforts, as well as Dango Tickets to the MVP of each team.

I’ve already started planning for next year’s festival, but if you’d like to be part of the organisation team for that event, just let me know and I’ll get back to you! I want this to be an event driven by community members, so don’t be shy about applying.

Please look forward to next year’s Winter Festival, and enjoy all the events we have lined up until then!


Ideas I’ve just had over the month, for next time.

  • Event: Record a 30 second recap of a Key route or episode of an anime. Humor and showmanship goes above accuracy.
  • Have a number of events grouped, and you can’t get scored for all of them. Ex. We have a group of 5 different writing challenges, but you can only be scored on up to 2 of them. It counteracts min-maxing and opens up more stuff like pay2play games.
  • Have some form of long events that stretch the whole month. I wasn’t thinking huge projects just because you have a lot of time. I was more thinking something that can be made leisurely in small increments. Ex. Which teams can make the most progress on a Stardew Valley farm; Who can climb the most in AMQ/Osu/Overwatch/[I have no idea what games people play these days] etc. The kind of stuff you’d do every day anyway. Can maybe make it something productive like, who can pick up a new skill or get into some good habit.
  • Think up a blue shell, AKA a negative feedback loop that punishes teams who are way too competitive and get too far ahead.

My ideas so far:

  • “Caption this” contest (inspired by @Madekuji_san). Organizers provide the pics. Best caption gets bonus points (decided by vote or jury)
  • Meme contest. Many variations possible. Like, same as “caption this”, the pic is provided by organizers and the teams have to construct a meme around it. Or the other way around - oganizers name a meme type and the teams look for a pic and turn it into that type of meme
  • Make a rule prohibiting teams from voting for their own stuff. Usually, if you put effort into something, that entry will end up being your favorite a lot of the time. I know that cause I ended up voting for my team’s entries on multiple occasions. So it’s probably better for the creators if they don’t have to deal with this dilemma in the first place. A software solution would be nice but… unlikely, I guess?
  • do live events at varying times so that people from different time zones get to participate
  • Write a new route. Fanfiction event. The teams can pick a character who doesn’t have a route from any key VN and write them a route. :worry: To keep things organized, some parts of the format and required info should be determined beforehand

We did do varifying times for the live events. Just so happened that the 16UTC events were relatively unpopular.

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What I mean is, make events not just at 00/23UTC and 16UTC, but all around the clock. Of course, that depends on when an organizer is available to host it.

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While I won’t repeat anyone else’s ideas that have already been said, I really do want to chime in in one of them for now:

It may not be a permanent habit or skill after 14 days but this would be fantastic to try out. Perhaps the event could start once signups close or right after teams are announced, or that this event lasts a month or so?

This said, here are some other ideas for now:

  • If there are going to be events dealing with content you may have to buy or own beforehand that isn’t free, please try to give more notice of the event time.
  • Produce a musical representation of part or all of a Key song or arrangement. Any number of instruments can be used (including your voice, a piano, a synthesizer, etc.) or combined together.
  • Make it clear that the event is not about something akin to getting the most orbs so that people like me catch the drift up front and that the target is a bit more clear! :yahaha: The ultimate point is to have fun!
  • Ask teams as part of their introductions to specify what time zones they live in.
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Crazy idea, what if we made the festival like Mario Party? We have dice rolling. We can make a map, and there can be event spaces where you can spend your coins for bonuses. Teams that land on the same space can duel for stars or coins. Movement can be made automatic or manual depending on how often game coordinators want to communicate with teams. Events would be basically the same but would earn you mostly coins maybe a star very rarely. The game board would be the way of converting coins into stars, and you can have secret bonus stars at the very end.

@yumemi roll 4d6

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:game_die: 3, 6, 5, 5


I’m honestly thinking about making the topic about picking up new skills or getting into better habits, but won’t consider it until after the Sharing Circle at the earliest - one thing at a time! A part of me doesn’t want to wait a whole year to start though!

The Mario Party idea would be super awesome to try out, but it sounds like something Kaza would want to try out before the next WF in some capacity to figure out all of the logistics and what is automatic or manual. It may still end up being very similar to the automatic dice game Helios ran in the past.

Also, it makes sense that a lot of people want to talk about negative feedback loops, but I still have too many negative thoughts about how that went, and when it happened, to believe that this isn’t going to end up punishing sincerity and effort in the end since it already did. This would be the case even if it is nothing more than a Mario Party game.