Let’s talk about the Raildex series! I’m opening up the floor to Light Novel spoilers. If there’s enough demand we can have an Anime-only thread as well, but I wanna discuss the Light Novel with people if enough people have read it.
Index is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. It’s like a box of shounen tropes, but I appreciate that it’s very self-aware about them and plays with them. It’s almost like a case study on the ‘protagonist’, and what it means to be a protagonist of a light novel. There are many different types of protagonist displayed, and the story of each protagonist seems to follow a different subgenre. I find it interesting and very entertaining, it doesn’t really get old.
So far I’m reading the 5th volume of New Testament. The baggage city arc was a bit of a grind for me, and felt a bit too alien (even if that was the intention), so I’m glad to see a more familiar setting for this story arc.
What are your favourite arcs? Try to tag significant spoilers for people if you can.