“I also went on that adventure.”
Yarr, cap’n Kamome. We be lookin’ fer treasure! Now I understand why she has that skull and bones hairpin!
Kamome doesn’t mess around. This route kicks off with a single meeting. From the get go our birdbrain duo are out adventuring and looking for treasure. I was quite looking forward to this adventure, because there had been so much insistence on Hairi having not visited the island before that I was super convinced he had. Maybe Kamome’s backstory overlapped with his…? That was what I felt
I was suspicious of Kamome. She happened to be the only member of the group without a key. She didn’t remember anything about the key locations. She didn’t remember or recognize the treasure route. I really like how they characterised her during the journey as it really explained everything about her. A single short scene made her into a well developed and believable character.
Another thing I’d like to mention is nostalgia. Key have been adamant that Summer Pockets is a nostalgia piece, and I haven’t felt that at all throughout the entire VN… However that’s not the case here. I lived in a coastal town when I was young, a town made of two cliffs. At the bottom of the cliffs were a lot of beaches, and I remember there was this one pathway that would open up whenever the tide was low. The seafloor would become exposed, and a small walkable area would emerge against the side of the cliff and lead to a secret beach with a cave! The place was only accessible for a few hours, and the sea would eventually rise and block off the entrance, so it was fun to adventure to. Totally forgot about that part of my history until I read this route. There aren’t any photos of it online, but here it is on Google Maps~ You’d start in the blue, cross over through the red, and then the green area would open up.
Anyway, side story over. There’s a cave exploration, and we get to the end, and then WHAT? Shock happens with the butterflies! And then we find the case, and we open it, and then WHAT? Shock happens with the book! The route was already more entertaining than most of the VN due to the instant involvement and adventure it threw us into, but it rapidly elevates the experience twofold!
I find this latter part of the route super interesting, because at this point the story becomes a metanarrative that I at least can relate to. We even had a thread about this very topic.
Then we meet the mother (who is insanely beautiful by the way) and the route gets even better. I love the back and forth between Hairi and the mother. It’s a really heartwarming connection, and seeing that part of the route progress is both stunning and inspiring. I couldn’t help but emotionally attach myself to the entire story. I felt like one of those adventuring children. I watched with sparkling eyes, praying everything would succeed, praying for a grand adventure. It was amazing.
Consistently the route improved from an already great start. It did things I had seen before but in an exceptional fashion, and it did things hadn’t seen before at all. The characters were perfect, even the one-off characters with no name. I enjoyed watching everyone. I enjoyed spending time with everyone. I enjoyed spending time with Kamome.
It was most definitely a Key story… A fresh, new, unique Key story. One of the best there is. 5/5, loved it.
And here’s my Imgur album of screenshots~
HOWEVER! I’ll be back after I get that true end. I see you bonus unlockable choice.