An overall disappointing end to a phenomenal VN.
This route had some small good bits; Esaka being Esaka is always a treat, I liked how Imamiya finally was moderately useful after being a background character for the entire game, it was interesting to see how characters had such different lives in this alternate timeline, and it has some Sakuya which helps, but these are islands in a sea of mediocrity.
We already knew that KotarouKazamatsuri Bond wasn’t always his goofy self but it was jarring and disillusioning to see him so confidant at the beginning of the route, and even after he developed he was still pessimistic. We already saw him behave logically yet cruelly in Akane’s route so that’s not a surprise but when you don’t like the narrator any story is tough to read, and I could not bring myself to like this KotarouPochi.
And it was long. This route really should have been a brief footnote at the end of moon.