Rewrite+ Released in Japan!

As if planetarian HD and the VisualArt's Summer Sale weren't enough, we also have the release of Rewrite+ in Japan on July the 29th! Rewrite+ is an updated version of Rewrite for PC released in commemoration of the TV Anime, which includes some adjustments to the script supervised by Romeo

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

English release when ;_;

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It might come this year or the next one or even in ten years… Who know…

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When they are done with Angel Beats!, so take a seat and wait, or in this case, just go to bed and sleep until the reléase date.

No, but seriously, with Maeda in his state, I wouldn’t discard KEY putting Angel Beats! on hold and focusing more on the western market. This way, maybe we’ll be able to see Rewrite a bit sooner tan expected. Pure speculation though.

I’m going to be patient and wait for the English release as it is very exciting to hear the release so soon. Hopefully, in time, I’ll be able to enjoy once again.

“with Maeda in his state”

He just tweeted earlier that he needs a heart transplant. He mentioned it before but it didn’t seem like a requirement then. This time he said “my heart won’t last”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do pause, cancel, or hand ABs over to someone else. I really wish him the best of luck. He’s literally changed my life for the better, multiple times. I don’t care if he has to cancel his games and music… He’s done enough. I just hope he can have a new heart and a comfortable life.


I’ll be getting it… for the bonus items ;_;
I want me a Kotori tapestry ahaha

Well, speak of the devil:


Oh gosh, I hadn’t seen that about the transplant. That’s so scary… I hope he gets the very best of care.

Here’s the tweet, I was on mobile earlier so I couldn’t grab it easily.

I’m not religious, but if you are please pray for him.


I heard about the transplant too earlier ago and it made me feel sad that he’s been having it rough. Taking care of oneself is more important than anything else in the world, and in his own due time, I hope he’ll make a complete recovery. I really do love his stories and I think that’s what made me love these characters and how they changed my life personally.

I wanted to do that too but… I can’t seem to find a way to buy it in NA so I gave up.

It’s said that the game would eventually get on Steam. So wait until then.

I’m more interested in what exactly got changed/added in this version. I know about the added CGs and sprites, but something tells me that there are more of them.

Well I meant I wanted the other things >_<
That moment when I finally found out how Amazon Japan works for foreign addresses but it’s already past pre-order time so I don’t think I would get the bonuses even if I try it now.

Yeah, I admit that is unfortunate.
I kinda want those Special WS Cards that came with the game too.

I wanted the soundtrack and kotori goods XD

Ugh, so sad to hear about the heart problem. I can only hope it goes well, Maeda is a hero.

Guys, this has nothing to do with Rewrite+, please keep on topic.

Sorry :3

So I got this in the mail today and when i finish downloading it, it says “this game is japan only” can anyone help?

I use RLSE with Angel Beats! and Kud Wafter. There are others that got mentioned back when AB! came out.