Alright i have been too lazy to write this up until now.
The common route is mostly entertaining, i’ll divided my opinions of heroines.
unsurprisingly she’s my favorite character. I feel like her and kotarou’s relationship is most refined and better one. Obviously the childhoodfriend trope works in her favor but even with that both their interactions are just pure fun and entertaining. How kotarou teases her for her weight or how she punishes him for his youth fantasies (porn books). There also the mystery factor that even though kotarou is her childhood friendeven he doesn’t know much about her or what she does in her free time.
She an airhead.Don’t have much to say about her so i’ll talk about Sakuya. in the first few minutes of his appearance it’s clear he dislike kotarou. The reason isn’t explicit for this i guess he just hates kotarou’s lack of maturity and his indecisive aura he gets form him, though he kinda seems to warm up him in the later parts. For other things about him i’d say he seems a guy with a lot of experience.
Shizuru started out cute but she only had that much going for her at most. I was a little interested when Eska showed up and he showed interest in the thing kotarou was chasing, from that i believe there is some undercover organization which Eska and shizuru are somehow involved, that would also explain the absence of her parents her living and her living alone.
Lucia’s funny moments are one of the times i liked a tsundere who can speak without stuttering or denying things every time and even though relies on physical abuse trope. Her character is one who express the employment of rules so it converses with the environment theme of Rewrite also her association with shizuru too.
Akane started out good, got the impression of powerful mysterious women but it started to dwindle a bit along as the occult club activities started. It picked up again at the end though where her mysterious nature was maintained again with her disappearance as she solves everything in the end for kotarou when he needed help.
The relationship between all the female cast is kinda there. It could be because i chose every choice leading to my lovely kotori but i did redo those choices which didn’t revolve to a kotori choice and even with that i don’t think the interactions were anything on the level of kotori and kotarou’s.
Yoshino and kotarou is a main highlight. Yoshino is someone who had friends before but now he’s alone because he had to separate from them and kotarou is some who never had many friends to begin with. One part stucks me from them is when they are trapped in the unending corridor of school. Yoshino says that he doesn’t like how kotarou behaves and he looks down on others. We all put on a mask sometime in our life to blend in and i guess that’s not necessarily wrong but to Yoshino maybe it’s bad. I don’t really know how or why maybe when i read more then i’ll get it. The relationship is fun though i got many kicks from their activities together especially that naked underground people’s invasion, It was then that i earned play with yoshino
Another thing is what akane says just before the end of common when they come back after seeing the pollution caused in river. To stop waiting around for someone else to take charge and do things yourself, i think that hints back to the choice we cant make in common. “To change the world or yourself” Honestly i think this choice relies on people’s perspective if people saw fault in the world they will change it where if they saw fault in them they will change themselves. I think i’ll just change the world as i’m evil and i see world as more wrong than i am, it’s just about who’s the lesser evil for me.
The end didn’t really shook me. I knew that kotarou had superpowers and also kotori when she used her healing thingy on plants. It just affirmed my thought more that shizuru and lucia are related to an organization ore something their detective like skills also confirmed this. I do have many questions though like how or what was that dragon there.
And now the MVP of this route ‘Mappie’. Honestly this is the best feature in the VN for me. From jumping into lakes to poking a turd, to messing with a neighbor i had great fun with this mechanic.
Also this thread needs more posts, we have just scratched the surface