New Angel Beats Mobile Game 'Yurippe no Guild Daikouka Daisakusen' Announced

Following the popularity of the ever-successful Angel Beats! Operation Wars comes a brand new mobile game featuring the cast of Angel Beats!, entitled Angel Beats! Yurippe no Guild Daikouka Daisakusen, roughly translated as "Yurippe's Grand Guild Descent Operation". The goal of this game is to shoot a ball from the

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This is just the pandering needed to have me interested in playing anything Peggle-esque.


I honestly never heard of Peggle before and just learned about it from @Aspirety while writing the article, heh. Well, like I said, itā€™ll definitely be more engaging than ABOW XP

Iā€™m definitely gonna play this. I love Peggle

Typical Yuri, whoring out to mobile trash.

My only complaint is where do the illustrations come in? w


How does one play ā€œYURIPPE NO GUILD DAIKOUKA DAISAKUSEN?ā€ I have an andriod and I live in the US.

Wait for the release (I donā€™t think itā€™s out yet)
Use Qooapp to download it
If you donā€™t have Qooapp download it directly to your phone
and voila :slightly_smiling:
Also @Pepe video is dead on the article

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Itā€™s already out. @Pepe and I have played it. Iā€™m enjoying it, though it really is just a puzzle game.

Huh youā€™re right. Iā€™d link to a new one but I canā€™t seem to find a mirror :x

Oh so does that mean ABOW is dead already?

Not until May 10th

Well, Time to put my new program of My Guardianā€™s Heart System to New Angel Beats mobile game.

------------------Guardianā€™s Heart System V.1.222-------------------
-Main>System>Reffi: New Patch Detected
-Main>System>Reffi: Prepare to install a new patch
-Main>System>Reffi: ā€¦Installation Completed
-Main>System>Reffi: Initiate Angel Beats: Yurippe no Guild Daikouka Daisakusen

:kudshock: I just found out that this game was actually on the App Store for Places outside of Japan :scream::scream::scream: I FEEL ALIVE !!!


Kanade unintentionally trolling. (Iā€™m not very good at translating)

Well uhhā€¦ she does genuinely like My Song, after all :yahaha:

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