Magazine ads detail prices for Tomoyo After and Harmonia localisations

Some interesting news has come in! Included on the back cover of the latest issues of Otaku USA (August 2016) and Mangabomb (Vol. 12) magazines are advertisements for Tomoyo After and Harmonia's Steam releases respectively.

The adverts list the prices of Tomoyo After and Harmonia as $19.99 USD and

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Hype is escalating quickly!!

Let’s hope this is 100% accurate and that they will carry it out soon. Also, 19.99$ is quite cheap. I can’t be more happy!


Same here. Even though it might be a bit pricey here due to the money conversion; I’m gonna say still worth it.

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Harmonia being $15 makes me happy that we can guess there will be more content than Planetarian, with all the characters introduced too and whatnot.

Tomoyo After should be $25. One of the greatest Key stories ever told.

Oh look, whaddya know. It came eventually :kgoha:


I guess it should be expected since if they’re charging more, they ought to have more to offer as well. ^^"

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It could also be they’re charging more because it’s a new release with HD graphics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When Kanon and AIR were first released, they were priced the same as Rewrite and AB 1st Beat, and you can be sure that they did not have as much content

It does sound very cheap indeed but I guess that they are making sure they provide the best quality for those who are willing to buy it. Anyway, I think it’s great that they are taking the time for those who have been waiting patiently for the localisations. The prices could change but I guess we’ll see what happens then.