As with all of these first posts in the LB topics, I have no Refrain knowledge yet.
I don’t think I have too much to say about Kud as a character herself. My first impressions of here were pretty high, she had best girl potential. However, even before getting to her route, that potential was more and more lost.
Kud is still adorable and quirky, things I liked about her at first. Unfortunatly, she ended up not being much more. Her route showed she is open, not shy and also has a darker side, but most of this was not really interesting to me. As such, I still like her, but think she is a pretty boring character otherwise. She ended up in the lower half of my best girl ranking.
The route itself I enjoyed quite a lot in turn. It had structure (being told in basically concluded mini-arcs), it had proper development of suspension, it even had a lot of the other girls especially in the first bit.
Maybe it’s just me having been in the right mood or simply not trying to think too much about it while reading leading to a higher enjoyment of the route.
The romance was one of the main highlights for me. I agree that was unnatural fast and it feld like Kud was pushing a bit too hard to be fully believable, but that did not really matter to me. Again, not thinking too much about it. I found it very endearing and maybe a bit cheesy, but I like cheesy romance in fiction.
Especially the nightly ritual felt very intimate without being a sex scene. I’d even say that’s picking the best out of a sex scene (and leaving it at that), especially when viewed in context of further developing a relationship. (And while I do not know for sure where the H-scenes are in EX, but I am aware that this scene is very likely to have one after the actual ritual, but that’s beside my point here).
The only thing I am not too sure about if I liked it was the scene in the clubroom. With everything happening especially after the choice I was not sure if they missed cutting out a H-scene there, because dialogue and CGs clearly were leading up to one. And I am pretty sure that sex was implied to have happened offscreen there. I am also pretty sure that there is an H-scene in EX.
I could not believe that was happening on-screen was actually happening. I mean, it ended up with nothing actually shown and I don’t even know why but it made me feel just very slightly uncomfortable, although the premise does not seem all too different from the nightly ritual scene. I think it’s the fact that she IS the loli of this cast.
Was the scene like that in vanilla? Was it even in vanilla? In the discussion so far, especially with @EisenKoubu mentioning NFSW CGs, a few people replied there would not be NSFW stuff and when trying to figure out what @EisenKoubu meant, noone even mentioned this scene. While it is not technically NSFW, just look (and zoom out!) at the final CG of that scene, where Kud is looking at Riki. That leads me to believe it was actually added in EX.
The big thing here however is the final part.
First of all, while I usually prefer more realistic routes, I really did “enjoy” the last part. Yet again, not thinking too much about it. Or rather, giving in to my suspension of disbelief. Especially considering that there is still Refrain for me to read, which will probably explain a lot of things a lot better. And with the theories I (and other’s) have about the secret of the world, it does not seem too unbelievable of a scenario.
What I did not realize before reading this thread, and what makes it even better, is the whole thing about that part being methaphoric and not to be taken at face value. This makes the writing quality for this even better.
The whole scene in the cave was really killing me on the inside. It did not make me cry (and I think it’s pretty much written to make you cry), but I felt so bad and helpless, t to the point where I could barely take it anymore and was about to just quit the VN to to take a break. Since the feels are an important part of a Key VN this made a great job at bringing me to this extreme level.
Shoutouts at this point to Suzuta Miyako, Kud’s seiyuu. While some don’t like Kud’s voice, and I neither like nor dislike her, the overall acting perfomance was pretty good. Not only in the cave, but especially there. And while I am at it, Komari as a character and her seiyuu Yanase Natsumi showed pretty decent english pronounciation. Much better than Kud’s mother 
Speaking of her mother, the aftercredits scene (which I read was not in vanilla?) gave pretty good closure to her story overall, it’s almost a shame it wasn’t in vanilla. It was also a bit unexpected, as this was the first route to do this in Little Busters. But I see why they did not just put the credits after the scene - to really have it an epilogue, and end the actual story on a happy CG.
There are still a few things that I noticed in regards to the rest of the narrative. First off, the white uniform in the final CG, something we never saw before. But it shows in the opening, where Rin has a similar white uniform. There was also mention if a school trip, which might be related to what we heard in Rin1. This is going to be very interesting.
To wrap things up, while the route did not accomplish much in the end, I very much enjoyed reading it for the journey. It may be my favorite route so far, but that’s me speaking a day after finishing it, where it is still fresh on my mind. Nevertheless, it will probably end up in the upper half of my route preference in the end.
After all this, I am honestly interested in Kud Wafter. And All-Ages version of it though. The H-scenes would probably make me feel uneasy again, but as much as I enjoyed the romance, it would probably enjoy seeing more of it.
(while reading the route I though that would probably be my shortest route post so far. How wrong I was
I was thinking if I can add a Key point, but I only got one idea for a decent one: What did you think about the ritual? What did it do for their relationship? Was it too intimate for your taste or just about right? (although I think that scene will get discussed in the thread and the podcast regardless, like most other points I could think of)