Little Busters! - Haruka Saigusa Route & Character Discussion

Is it possible for both Haruka and Kanata to belong to 2 different fathers but be born as twins in the same woman scientifically-speaking?

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It was discussed in the route but yes it is scientifically possible. It’s called superfecundation. Basically it’s like how fraternal twins are different because they are from two separate eggs and two different sperm from the same father. However, if the two eggs are fertilized by sperm from different fathers then superfecundation occurs. It’s much more common in animals than in humans but as stated in the route, basically Haruka’s mother had intercourse with both men within a short period of time so superfecundation occurred.


Another good route, probably a bit long but I slightly long route is much better than an undeveloped one like Komari’s which was trash was. The entire Superfecundation was a weird inclusion but an interesting one. Gonna say Haruka needed a pet dog or cat as I think it would have helped her better but thats just a though of mine. The entire family structure thing was nicely developed and was good that Maeda didnt just cover Haruka getting bashed mental and psychically but also the pain from the expectations put on Futaki and the guilt of having her sister put through what she has been, (something which if missed would have made this route much worse as this happens to every real-life equivalent situation. Also I don’t understand why Haruka tries to justify the abuse she got, but even if I don’t understand its just what happens with people in abusive situations frequently.

The character development also was pretty good specifically near the end where she even asks her sister for help of her own volition. I enjoyed this arc and would go more into depth if not for me needing to finish the remaining arcs within 20days, there is plenty posts here anyway to read.


Haruka’s route was actually written by Shirokiri and yeah for that stuff the route is brilliantly done. I would assume though that a pet would not help because the family would probably torture or kill it since they are some of the worst fictional humans you could ever expect. I don’t know too much about abuse but it’s very likely that justifying one’s own abuser is actually way too common irl so almost everything is this route is scarily… Kinda possible…

Edit: oh wait I addressed the pet thing before… oh well. Maybe a pet would be ok at like haruka’s parent’s place but I’m not sure