Little Busters! - Haruka Saigusa Route & Character Discussion

I was always wondering what really happend to Haruka. They just give a hint that something happend with her, with kanata being hysterical and Riki noticing a sieren in the background. But nothing to what might have happened.

Good to know that they give more information on such things in EX.

Thank you HeliosAlpha, but I would like a little clarification if you don’t mind.

[spoiler]So the scene happens when you let yourself be seduced by her if I understand well and Riki don’t know that she did a twin switch.
What is the reaction of Riki when he finds the truth and how Kanata explains him that he failed ?

I find the idea of this H-scene really twisted, in a good sense. It give another level of involvement to Kanata and shock for Riki and Haruka.[/spoiler]

That’s basically going into the new ending in EX (EX+Refrain) There’s not much to Riki’s reaction; he’s confused and realizes that he has ended up hurting both sisters. Kanata calls this the worst possible conclusion, but she’s grateful that Riki managed to see through her lie eventually. After that she tells Riki to stop the farce and run away with Rin, then she forcefully resets the world. She also says to leave her alone, obviously referencing her own route.


Thank you, even if it is a h-scene, if it brings the details to the story, it’s always good.
I hope she will be present in the Perfect Edition.

I should not be surprised that Haruka told she doesn’t like the mint in her route.

From what I recall, Haruka is the only Key girl, actually, Key character in general (along with Kanata from what we know from Haruka’s route alone), to be physically abused over time and time am I right ?

Props to Key to finally making a route about abuse. Key has covered so many things, but (consistent) physical. abuse was something they’ve never dealt with before.

Can’t deny. Haruka was my favorite route because not only did it talk about a new subject that Key has never brought up much before, but it also gave a reasoning as to why the characters we hated so much did what they did. The whole Kanata being forced to do what she did, for Haruka’s sake was such a beautiful scene.

Haruka as a character in general, is such a great character. I can honestly say that I didn’t like her at first (since she showed the normal routine of a happy girl with a tragic backstory), but actually understanding her backstory, how it’s not just any typical backstory, made me interest in her story.

Haruka taught me many wonderful things. If she could forgive Kanata after all Kanata has done, then i think we should take away the lesson of being able to forgive people no matter what they’ve done to you. Just knowing that you can forgive someone after all they’ve done to you, looking the other way and having forgiveness is the strongest thing we can do.

I also loved the ending to her route, the happy ending. When she went to meet 1 of the fathers. I’m a anime-only watcher for Little Busters! If you’re wondering. When the father was about to tell her if he was her father, or Kanata’s father. Then she declined. At that point in the story, it was more about forgiveness, rather than finding out which twin was which fathers child. That’s something that I’m glad Shirokiri (scenario writer for Haruka’s route) did. It was so vital to the story. The fact that Haruka realized that she had friends, the Little Busters!, and how she didn’t need a answer then, because as long as she could love herself, and know that there are people who love her, then she was happy and satisfied.

Another reason why I love the concept of Little Busters!, a place where everyone belongs, and everyone is loved.

Shirokiri, you need to come back to Key again. Haruka’s route was pure beautiful… Such a great message and such a great plot… (But Wtf happened with Kud’s route ?! Did you loose motivation or something ?!)

Haruka’s route (out of all the heroine’s route in the anime) made me shed tears the most. Actually, Haruka’s route is 1 of 2 out of all the girls routes to actually make me shed a tear at all. (Excluding EX girls).


I know how much you love Mio and her route, @Aspirety but… was there anything wrong in Haruka’s route that makes it undeserving of that pedestal?? :kudshock:


The core message of the entire route is terrible because it’s blatantly contradicted by a very prominent aspect of the route. This is a MASSIVE flaw in the writing that I can’t overlook.

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This is something I’ve never heard you say. Care to discuss it? I’m definitely interested in talking about it!

Haruka learning to overcome her hatred and understanding of other human beings. The whole idea behind it is that Haruka understands that “There’s no such thing as true evil in the world”, after coming to understand Kanata’s intentions.

But, there is true evil in the world. The route never makes any attempt to justify the actions of her crazy parents family, they’re just left to be an unambiguous antagonist figure, the pinnacle of evil in Little Busters.

This is baaaaaad. I can’t overlook it.


It’s not the parent who are bad. It’s the polluted mass of sludge that is the Saigusa/Futaki house.

Edit: I gotta remember to come up with a bunch more insulting similes for the bookclub.

Sorry yeah, not the parents, the grandparents rather. The family is fucked.

Huh, I always thought that the message was to be honest to yourself about how you feel towards others (especially family). Neither Haruka nor Kanata never really hated each other, but because of the strain of their family situation, they had to justify that they hated each other or that the other couldn’t exist. If they’d have just been honest to each other and not worry about that family strain, they could have had a much better relationship… Well, which they eventually ended up doing by the end of her route.

But hey, I guess that’s all open to interpretation~

Except your crazy family… It’s entirely their fault.


My memory is horrible but is that in the VN as well?

If so then welp, you sure ain’t wrong about that.

But hey, maybe they do have a point and we simply aren’t shown it. Maybe the Saigusa/Futaki family aren’t necessarily evil and have their own reasons for being all crazy about it.

oh who am I kidding

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Apparently so.

<6302> {Haruka} “Yep… I’m me, and that’s all there is to it. It doesn’t matter ‘which one’ I am.”
// <6302> {葉留佳}「うん。…私は私でしかないんだ。もし『どちら』だったとしても」
<6303> {Haruka} “I am me. And…”
// <6303> {葉留佳}「私は私。そして…」
<6304> {Haruka} “I just… wanted to confirm to myself that there aren’t any ‘bad ones’ in this world.”
// <6304> {葉留佳}「私は、世界に悪者がいないか、確認したかっただけなんだ」
<6305> {Haruka} “No one is in the wrong…”
// <6305> {葉留佳}「誰も悪くない…」
<6306> {Haruka} “So I don’t have to hate anyone…”
// <6306> {葉留佳}「だから誰も憎まなくていい…」
<6307> {Haruka} “…I, I just―― wanted to say that!”
// <6307> {葉留佳}「…私、それが――言いたかった!」
<6308> {Haruka} “So I’m fine not knowing.”
// <6308> {葉留佳}「だから知らなくてもいいんだ」
<6309> {Haruka} “I thought that everything in the world had to be either against me or someone else.”
// <6309> {葉留佳}「世界中の全てが私を、誰かを悪く思っていると考えてた」
<6310> {Haruka} “But it’s not like that… I’m glad that I’m who I am.”
// <6310> {葉留佳}「でもそうじゃなかった…私は私でよかった」
<6311> {Haruka} “Nobody…”
// <6311> {葉留佳}「誰も…」
<6312> {Haruka} “I don’t have to hate anyone… and no one was in the wrong.”
// <6312> {葉留佳}「嫌わなくていい…誰も悪くなかった」
<6313> {Haruka} “I’m happy just being able to confirm that.”
// <6313> {葉留佳}「私、それが確認できただけでじゅうぶんだよ」
<6314> {Haruka} “That’s it, the thing I really wanted to know.”
// <6314> {葉留佳}「それが、私の本当に知りたかったことなんだ」
<6315> {Haruka} “And it was what I wanted to believe more than anything.”
// <6315> {葉留佳}「そして何より信じたかったこと」
<6316> {Haruka} “That there are no evil ones in this world.”
// <6316> {葉留佳}「誰も、悪くない、世界を」

What a stupid thing to say… there’s plenty of evil in the world, and not just Haruka’s family. It really grinds my gears. I think something similar was said in Kud’s route too, but I’d have to check.


This is probably already known that Haruka would have not been able to continue with her life if she were not able to stick up for herself knowing the true evil of the world but the hardships that both Haruka and Kanata were facing back then were completely out of their control and had to follow the Saigusa/Futaki orders because of the situation that was deemed impossible from their point of view. I do think the family were horrible monsters and that for them to treat them both as a competition is downright low and sickening, but they were probably only following their standard procedures on what they think was best for them (though I can’t agree with their actions). Riki had to be the only person to not only convince Haruka that not everyone is evil, knowing of course that’s not really possible, but she had to find her own reasons what she needed to do to think for herself that keeping her hatred for that long was wrong and finding her true place in the world.


It kinda did. I remember Haruka saying that her family told her that the abuses hurled towards them are for a greater good or something (can’t recall the exact words). And Haruka was believing it. As much as I liked the route because of Haruka and Kanata’s dynamic, I thought that part screamed problematic at best, and condoned domestic abuse at worst. :((


It’s fiiiine, nobody’s wrong, I’m sure my family had a good reason for abusing us and forcing us into conflict for all our lives…

But Aspi this is the best Key character route of all!


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Well, you’re not wrong,
did anyone who watched or read this route really assume that its message is

I seriously doubt it. Personally, I was glad that Haruka could forgive Kanata. I was never expecting her to forgive her family, nor did I want her to. Kanata was being a bitch, but she had her reasons and when the truth, along with her love for Haruka came to light, Haruka forgave her. That was awesome.
After finishing the route, I was glad that the twins managed to make up and become a true family again. I certainly was not inspired to think “Ah, we should always forgive everyone because nobody is truly evil”. In fact, I have completely forgotten about Haruka ever saying anything like that.

So the way I see it right now, the author did try to make nobody-is-evil this route’s message, but failed. And nobody really paid attention to it (or they simply didn’t care). They simply loved all the other parts of the route.


Sure, I get that. But I’m not ignoring that there’s some pretty stupid writing going on behind this message :stuck_out_tongue:
If someone’s gonna call this route the best one, you bet I’m gonna dig at a flaw like that