I kind of inadvertedly started this. This is just precious~ :3
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=1397214 This guy (Remotaro), who also does works for LBCM seems to be one of, if not the mastermind behind this pairing
And dang that pixiv tag
I love that meme
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=6313255 here’s something a bit more passionate :3
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35046164 o-oh my…
Holy sheeeeeeit that first one is amazing.
On further inspection, it has a few issues to me- But still nifty.
Also here, I drew Haruka for her birthday last year, it’s far from amazing and fairly traced, but I think it’s worth being proud of at least.
A Haruchin for the masses. It would take a while to get past roughs and into monochrome linearts. Colors, later
Give her a tambourine. Shaka Shaka Hey!
The pixel art is so cute
I don’t do enough Key fanart personally, it’s something I should try and remedy. One time when I couldn’t use my tablet I did make this Rin with markers though:
Wooah, awesome
I’m so jealousss -3-
Very cool. ^^
You’ve made the critical mistake of giving her a nose.
Key girls don’t have those.
Haha I realised that after it was done xD A critical error indeed.
Thanks though
zOMG… looks much better than what I can churn out.
Also, Rin <3
I didn’t realise KyousukexKomari was a thing. How did that come to be?