Little Busters! - Common Route Discussion

But CLANNAD actually has interesting routes, so there’s more to enjoy than the mystery :smug:

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That’s our Taka. Laying the diss on the entire book club and all participants all at once!


Ah but you see for me that’s a false equivalence as CLANNAD “speaks to me” personally in ways that LitBus doesn’t (at least not yet).

And yes it was the orbs of light and the illusionary world that really drew me into CLANNAD in the first place

I don’t think it matters how/why any of us enjoy LitBus, and clearly for some here deeply analysing the VN and really enjoying for fun are not mutually exclusive.

I’m on Refrain now so can’t say much more here without spoilers…


Nobody is telling you how to enjoy LB, just a bunch of oldies are getting upset at the several people who are just grazing over the VN’s strongest and intended point in pursuit of this mystery that isn’t the focus and it’s making them upset to see this VN that is dear to them not being appreciated for its true strengths.


It’s less “enjoyed properly” and more that LB’s themes and story doesn’t really come across nearly as strongly if you gloss over the more “casual moments” that’ll end up mattering.

In itself I don’t mind people finding themselves curious about the mysteries and likes more, but if it comes at the cost of what makes those revelations hit as strong as they do for some people, then they’ll find themselves potentially sorely disappointed afterwards since nearly the entire LB experience depends on how attached you make yourself to the characters after witnessing time after time those regular life moments.


Well I understand what you are saying but for me I just didn’t get attached to the characters or the shennigans in the common route that much. I’m not suggesting it’s any kind of “fault” of the VN or the writing, just a personal thing that I’m not getting the same buzz as others do. I did enjoy going through the character routes so far and that helped a bit.

I know that will mean I don’t get as much out of it ultimately as the “true” fans; but what is, is. All the same I’m trying to be objective in my opinions and be clear when I’m being very subjective. Don’t worry, I am sure whatever I feel by the very end I’m not going to diss LitBus here or anywhere else!



Low-key spoilers for… Uhh refrain…?

I just happened to be listening to Song for Friends and this post fucking made me really goddamn sad…


…Shit, you’re right. The feels are coming back…!


There’s more than one way to skin a cat though…oh wait - probably not the best metaphor for LitBus :scream_cat:

“Are you trying to hit them on purpose?!”
“Got it in one, love”


If you’re not attaching to the characters and the daily life, then Little Busters simply might not be for you.


I can’t remember where i read that while clannad was about the importance of family LB is about the importance of friends. Now my first contact with LB was with the anime, i didn’t get past the first episode because of how incredibly goofy/silly the whole thing was, it wasn’t until i got into visual novels that i gave it another shot, this time it didn’t bother me because it didn’t feel like it was an unending streak of goofy scenes and that gave me an idea that the story was gonna be more about a group of friends goofing around (this time in a good way) and enjoying their youthful days until of course something happened because its a Key story.

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Well, it happens. This isn’t to say I’m not enjoying it - just not as much as I’d hoped or as much as the vast majority here. I don’t begrudge a single penny I spent on it though and I am glad to be part of the LitBus joyride. It’s definitely a top-tier VN after all, it’s just a case that I found it very immediate to attach more deeply to the characters in CLANNAD, is all.

Partway through Refrain now and I think that while the “secret” may not be life-changing / earth-shattering it will still be very impactful I reckon, if I’m picking up the hints correctly.


Personally I have a very easy time attaching to the characters, I wouldn’t be trying to figure them out if I didn’t care. I feel like there’s a false equivalency that critically looking at a work =/= caring about it on an emotional level. I am very comfortable with achieving both at once.


As piss poor as I still am at the practice, the match seems to have become a bit easier after finishing Refrain :happy:


Okay, so I finally got into a route (Rin). Take note that this is the second time I be reading LB!, so yeah.~

If there’s something I can say about the Common Route, it’s that it wasn’t quite as engaging as I remembered it to be, but there are definitely fun moments. I like the Haruka trolling Komari’s face joke, 50% because HOLY MOLY KOMARI IS ANGRY and 50% because MUMSHIE THAT FACE

lmao komari

Anyway. Other highlights include the “GOODBYE 10000 YEN!!!” joke (Kyousuke you bourgeois), Kyousuke’s siscon jokes (Mio pls) and the Mio roasting Haruka joke. Probably the least engaging moments for me were Rin’s cat-interactions; I guess I’m not that much of a cat person. :yahaha:

For the boys, they’re all kinda there, except Kyousuke. He’s incredible. I like him.

As for the heroines, Komari and Haruka are still great as ever, Kurugaya is still hawt, Rin is fine but totally a better character in the anime (sorry), and Kud is kinda meh – cuteness bordering on being grating (dogs are cute, I like dogs, I also like Valse du Petit Chien, but holy lord have mercy save me from the wafuus). Mio, however, turned out to be a much better character than I remembered her to be; I didn’t know until recently how incredibly good her sass is.

Who’s my best girl, you say? Well let me get to the routes first. XD


You know what?

It was fun. :umu:


So I finished the common route of little busters and will just give my thoughts about the characters and some scenes.

Riki: Honestly, the worst character in the story I feel you could completly remove him from the story and it wouldn’t feel different at all, probably a big reason why I don’t really like little busters so far.

Masato: I love all the muscle scenes with this guy its really fun, he starts saying really deep things and then somehow says really stupid stuff like, ‘I remember when we were young and had to jump to touch the cealing, now we just extend our arms, it makes me worried that with how fast we grow soon we will be dragging our heads across the roof’ stupid things like this I love. However, unlike clannad’s Sunohara he doesnt really drive the plot forward at all and is kinda only there for comedy, might change when I start the routes though.

Kengo: Probably the most normal out of the bunch good inclusion for his reactions with Masato but other than that nothing really.

Rin: Rin the cat lover is great, its clear she grew up with boys cuz she is really shy with other girls unless she is starting a fight with them such as with sase-sages-sasagewa sasami. Overall, great character but due to her love of cats would be a terrible singer. If she was to sing Last regrest from Kanon. It would have too many Nyans.
“Arigatou iwanyani yo
Zutto shinyatte oku
Sayonyara wa kagerinyai”

Mio: Boring but has potiential.

Komari: uee, a strange happy girl. Not to sure about her yet.

Kurugaya: BEST GIRL thats it, some of the dumb things she says to the other girls (cuz their gullible) is so funny, also she fits the kind of girl I wouldn’t mind marrying at all. Funny and sadistic jokes. LOVE THIS CHARACTER, BEST GIRL from Key

Haruka: Happy, annoying, idiotic, would become a good friend of mine.

Kud: Dis- is gud kara-ccha です。I like this character due to how she feels really real. Its clear that she has some depth that just hasnt been shown yet.

Sasagewa Sasami: Gotta say, the way she reacts with rin is perfect and love how she take the villian role, plz have a Sasi-sasagesa-sasagewa sasasami, route. (its actually really easy to pronounce.)

Kyosuke: I am gay now. I really love kyosuke, I would say is just another meh male character if not for a few really small but important things, such as how he saw Riki getting all of the people to join the little busters and how he is clearly the glue for the entire group to stick together, also he is pretty cool, like in that scene when he reads manga and the others are trying to get him to interact with them, it was really cool how he responds while still reading, especially with his response to Kurugaya. My early reaction to this guy was great with how he was getting famous quotes from people, such as “you were eaten by the eel pie instead” -Kengo.

Some really good scenes,: Partically the Rin toss early game, I didnt know this game would have any gameplay and then suddenly that. Its also really funny so thats a plus. Masato stealing Kengo’s food while Komari is constant replenishing Kengo’s plate was great too. Teaching Rin proper timing was funny as well.

Sorry for it being long but it is first impressions, I would have missed alot as I played this route over like 3 months. Plan on getting through the rest buy the time Kaza shut down. Which is certainly possible as I got through all of clannad in two weeks.


Sorry I had to show Masatos most stupid line.