Let's Plays: How much do they harm their source material?

For the most part, I think most people that wanted to use LPs as a source of pirating are going to use this option over another pirating option anyway and nothing outside of losing Internet access is going to stop it. However, there are still a good number of people that may only want to see what it plays like or will buy the game at a later date even if they see most of it.

Most video games need to be played to be enjoyed, but it is still extremely useful to see into the mind of someone else who likes a certain game or to improve your own skills if you play to win or competitively. That doesn’t have much financial impact on the game though and if it does it is usually positive unless the company is silencing videos.

For VNs or games that are mostly stories though, I’m actually fine with not allowing LPs on principle because of the amount of piracy that goes on in a very tough industry. It’s bad enough that it feels like LPs are more detrimental to sales and unless there is a purpose to it other than getting a video out quickly then I don’t see much reason for it.

I can’t speak much for quality because I barely use YT and it seems to be much better for me overall that way, but there are times where it is helpful. It’s just that a free demo or simple gameplay reviews are more than enough most of the time.