Kud Wafter - General Discussion

This is very much true of the original edition. I think more than 60% of all the CGs in the game are related to H scenes.

Even without that one song, Kud Wafter still has one of my favorite soundtracks. The Albina remix album is great too if you’re interested!

One’s Future though… I heard that song so many times that I don’t want to hear it anymore… Ahaha ^^;

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Pinning the thread for Kud’s birthday. The game is about Kud, after all~

So today I learned Riki and Kud have a kid in Kud Wafter. And she is just super duper adorable ;_;

Wow, poor Kud. With her mother, her daughter, and Riki in the family tree, she looks like the odd one out.


My understanding is… Wafter route is a mixed bag of Kud porn and moe feelgood.
After route removes the H-scenes and has actual emotional storytelling.

The good side to this is that they had the decency to clearly distinguish the two faces of the story.
The bad side is that Wafter is compulsory to unlock After. Whyyyy would they do that. It even covers a lot of the same content.

Take-home from this is: yes, Kud Wafter has a lot of pandering, but don’t write it off so easily. I’m sure it has storytelling value to be found in the After route.

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In the 18+ version is mostly as you described.
The all ages version fixes that problem. It basically removes the Wafter part of the 18+ version so you don’t have to read it twice. Also, Wafter contains Shiina’s story (at least it does in the all ages version; not sure about the 18+ version)

To be honest, I’m afraid most of what you’ve read is true…it’s mostly a fandisc that panders to people who like Kud a lot like me. But like Asperity said it isn’t completely horrible it does have some good things.

The new characters are really good and have good backstories with decent drama
Shiina is an odd duck in her family; which makes her relateable as I’m sure her mother and sister hate space and rockets as much as my own mother and brother hate Japanese culture.
And Yuuki: imagine Kurugaya Yuiko as mad scientist :smile: but she also has a well developed backstory and reasons behind her behavior
There are also some nice slice of life scenes: though Kud behaves a bit weird in some of them though (to make her more moe I guess)

The final part (the “let’s throw some drama at Kud” part) was mostly melodrama though. I will give my thoughts with spoilers in the After thread.


@21hunter Mostly sums up how i feel about the game, especially the emphasis that This is about kud and if you (somehow) do not like her you really should not be looking to kud wafter.

Also worth noting is that there is not as much comedy, not to the degree of little busters at least, I would call it more heartwarming but again the bias there.

Shiina is very cute, hers was my favorite back story for the route found a lot of her stuff very heart warming.

@Gnashes A lot of the negativity comes from, much like with tomoyo after, people foolishly coming into it expecting another refrain/after story and being assaulted with fan-service. Maeda has nothing to do with it, not even music. As much as I love kud, it doesn’t even compare to her route either. It is just a kud fan disk and should be treated as such, not every game has to be a kamige and to compare it to such is foolish.

Yeah, which is what I had gathered for Tomoyo After going into it as well. At this point I should honestly just toss what I’ve heard into the background, give it a read with a fresh mind when a TL is finished, and then judge my like or dislike of it in hindsight.

That’s what I did for Tomoyo After, and I actually ended up liking that quite a bit outside of the first 10 minutes. At any rate, appreciate the opinions all; especially considering I’ve not heard too much of the good side to the game.

I just read up until August 2nd(game starts on July 19th) of the After arc; this is the same period covered in the Wafter arc. Other than the sex scenes, I’m pretty sure all the content from Wafter was in After too. There was new content as well(fortunately?), but it was mostly just smaller conversations here and there. Funnily enough, Riki and Kud still have sex all the time in After. You just don’t get to see anything, and the events are simply summarized vaguely. So to any pitiful souls who read the 18+ version, skip directly to After and nothing of value will be lost; unfortunately, you’re still reading Kud Wafter.


Yeah I’ve been told it’s very unusual, since After starts with all the same content as Wafter, just with the sex scenes removed. In that case shouldn’t you have made After an option from the start, instead of making readers re-play all the scenes again? :confused:

Probably, or it could have just been one thing, as I said, the sex still happen canonically. It might be that they wanted it to be some artsy surprise cause the title screen and UI and stuff changes completely in After. “Aha, you thought this was just lolicon bait, but it’s totally not, I swear.” The game does recognize that you’ve read all that stuff, so you can just skip read text.

I guess one thing not in After though it’s not directly sexual is a joke that happens 2-3 times. It’s about Riki having an inner debate about opening a drawer: think one of those where you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other except there were like 5 different Rikis. For the first couple of lines, that had me laughing my ass off, then it got old especially when it ends with an achievement for obtaining Kud’s panties.

And let me guess: the said drawer had very delicate contents inside :wink:

Time for a shitty spoiler free review of a shitty novel(Yes, that’s the attitude I’m going with).

STORY(Like there is one.)
The novel starts of at 19th of July after the events of Little Busters!. Most students have gone back home over summer, and only Kud, Riki, Kanata, and A-chan senpai remain of the original characters. Riki and Kud are also dating from the get-go. The boys’ dorm is being renovated, but some genius hits a water pipe and floods the whole lower floor. Kanata saves the boys from sleeping on classroom floors by allowing them to use the old vacant girls’ dorm, though that’s not technically true because Kud still lives there. Because there aren’t enough rooms for all the boys, Kud, red as a beet, asks Riki to live with her. Now if they were to be caught, all the boys would be kicked out.

[Man that sure sounds like a lazy reason to have a story filled with lots of loli porn.]

For like a week, the two live their lives happily doing nothing but eat and fuck like they’re on Game of Thrones. After that the writers thought the audience might get bored, so they decide to introduce another loli, a discount Kurugaya, and a girl too best for this sewage waste. We also learn that the city is holding a bottle rocket contest.

[I hope you like model rockets because that’s the main plot for about 75% of this riveting piece of literature.]

So our valiant heroes set out to make the best rocket that ever was, and at the same time Riki aims to add the new loli to his harem. Her mother objects out of fear for her daughter’s future as secondary loli. Well, the story moves in the exact way you’d expect it to, so they get to make their rocket.

[Now, everything up to this point was so fun that they gave you the option to read it twice before progressing to anything even resembling a Key game’s fecal matter.]

Guess what’s next, another fucking rocket of course. After that’s done, we’ve completed about 70-80% of the novel and made our way to the first thing that can be remotely considered spoilers, so I’ll stop here.


She was always lolicon bait, but it wasn’t so bad when mixed with all the other little busters. This time it’s the same Kud but higher concentration.

I guess this Riki might be a bit lewder than before, but LB! Riki did some crazy shit too. They’re also not very clear about this, but I don’t think this is post-refrain Riki. He acts/thinks more like normal Riki.

Himuro Yuuki
Honestly, I can see people thinking she’s a cool character, but she really didn’t do it for me. She just felt like an awkward combination of Kurugaya and Haruka.

Arizuki Shiina
Because they definitely needed another loli. Shiina is basically made to be a younger version of Kud, and that’s her whole gimmick.

Arizuki Ui
Shiina’s older sister. She has criminally little screen time. She’s more on the level of A-chan senpai than the other originals. She also works as a maid and flat out turns down the Diki, so Best Girl.

Kanata & A-chan Senpai
They both have very little screen time, and most of that is spent making lewd jokes at A-chan senpai’s expense. It does however seem that A-chan senpai’s family name is Amano, though it’s not confirmed.

I’m not a music savvy guy, so I can’t say much other than I don’t have any real complaints other than the atrocious opening. I really like Breath of Stars which is also the first track you hear ingame.

Personal Reflections
I’m not particularly fond of Kud, so I’m obviously not the target audience for this.However, I gravely underestimated how few things KW has to bring other than Kud. An unfathomable amount of this game is Kud talking about food and rocket science. Just as a text, it’s unbelievable boring to read. There is so much technobabble that I could zone out for minutes while reading. Not to mention how many times they remind you of the other little busters, and how they are not there to make things interesting. As a story, it’s very cookie cutter. Pretty much the first thing that comes to your mind when presented with a situation will happen. It’s some of the most generic plot I’ve seen. Coupled with the strain from reading in Japanese, this was a true chore to finish. Btw, the version of RealLive this is made in does not cooperate well with text hookers. I would never have bother with this thing if it wasn’t for the satisfaction of having read all Key novels in some form. I can’t recommend it to anyone but the most hardcore of Kud fans who also like spending hours on end reading about aerodynamics and rocket building. Worse than that, there is nothing but the technobabble in here that isn’t presented in other Key novels. For goodness sake, save yourself the pain and suffering; a bullet to the forehead is merciful!

Score: 15 golden loli sex scenes


At least, I and Kud are the same lolicon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kud Wafter anime is apparently in the works

Same staff/studio hopefully!

So will this VN ever be translated? I’ve been waiting years to be able to read my favorite Little Busters heroine’s VN but my Japanese is not at that level yet.

It looks like Project Wafuu has all but announced cancellation so will this VN never achieve the blessing of an English translation?

Dog knows.

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