so, I wanted to open a thread to talk about the bad ends we can get on Key’s vn’s. I dont mean bad ends like rewrite’s one ("so I decided to step back with such the bad luck there was a bannana peel, so I slided, hit my head on the ground and died) haha no, I mean, bad ends like the ones we can get in little busters by taking bad decisions on some heroines route or the bad end with sunohara in clannad(XDXD)…
I´m gonna start this discussion talking about little busters! and particularly haruka’s bad end, I cannot understand what really happened, did haruka die?, did she kill hersel after attacking kanata with the sissors?, did she hurt herself with the scissors?
by the way, I don’t think the standard lb! ending ( the one on the hospital) has to be a bad end, do somebody think so?
… so feel free to comment everything about bad endings and plz don’t skip the [spoiler] tags.
Well, Kanon’s bad ending isn’t so much ‘bad’ as it is ‘normal’. You don’t end up with any of the girls, obviously, but instead you get a small amount of dialogue from Yuuichi saying that he has grown used to being in the town and is looking forward to what the future has in store for him. Nothing special.
Air’s ‘bad end’ or ‘ends’ is/are also quite nice.
Haruka and Refrain spoilers: She’s removed from the world and ‘dies’ because the facade she kept up broke and the reality of everything pretty much destroyed her. She was ‘no longer of use’ because she lost her purpose, for lack of a better way to put it. Kanata in this route isn’t much different from Kyousuke, the other bros, Komari or Yuiko- She knows the truth which is why her explanations and questions, had you not read the entire VN, are quite confusing and carry a dual purpose- One of the reasons this route is -SO- good. She didn’t want her sister to suffer the reality. However, looking back at it after knowing the secret of the world, it’s one of the SICKEST bad ends I’ve ever seen. I absolutely love how dark it is. I could write more and make more sense but sleep.
The Air common route bad end was definitely the saddest part in the whole VN.
I was a bit disappointed in Rewrite’s character routes in that only Chihaya and Shizuru had choices that led to bad ends, and even then it was just dying. I think you could actually die in the flashback of Shizuru’s route, which I think was weird, because Kotarou wouldn’t be remembering stuff if he died.
And yeah,(Little Busters!) (Haruka’s bad end is probably the worst I’ve seen in a Key novel. I also think Mio’s bad end was sad. Actually, I think the EX bad end is more messed up than sad), and dear god Kud’s bad end was terrifying.
Kud’s and Haruka’s bad ends. Just… yeah. Komari and Mio’s bad ends were tough too. Little Busters definitely has the “best” bad ends.
Although notable mention goes to Tomoyo After for having all the bad ends be happily ever after and the true end be depressing as hell instead.
For me, Kud’s bad ending was just BRUTAL. The way you witness Kud’s breakdown after seeing her mom die on live television is just difficult to see and it didn’t help that “Lamplight” was playing during the entire scene. Haruka’s and Mio’s bad endings were pretty sad too.
I see it as more bittersweet than bad. I think the bad ending is the one where where you try to rescue everybody from the bus accident but the bus explodes and you die.
Speaking of which, can Planetarian’s ending count as a bad end cause in that one Yumemi sacrifices herself and we’re not really sure whether she comes back as a new robot or the fate of the junker and Planet Earth. Though I guess that could be considered a sad ending rather than an actual bad ending.
I can agree with this its a bad ending in that Rin and Riki are the only two who survive the accident, but the others did accomplish their goals in that Rin and Riki are strong enough to stand, if not on their own they at least have each other to lean on going forward.
Rewrites endings all felt a little lackluster to me mainly because bad ends where the MC just dies never do much for me, it’s always harder to see someone have to live on with a scar because of choices you made instead of just “You Died” the end. See Kud’s bad end for what I mean.
I gotta say I love bad ends though I always go for them first it just gives me that extra push to know what is being avoided in the good ending.
Kud’s bad end was a better choice than her true end.
Get over it wafflepops.
ahahah u’re so mean!! xd
I never really read through bad ends cuz I find them kinda pointless
Like why are they even there?
Especially when there is CG in them
Like why??
But alas they are still there v_v
On a side note my friend got a bad end in Kanon one time where Yuuichi died
Not gonna talk about specific bad ends here, but my policy is to try to go for the bad end first. Two reasons:
- It gives more meaning to the good ends. Like, it tells me “hey if I didn’t do this, then they’d end up like that” and so on.
- When I start playing a VN (without a walkthrough, at least), I usually try to make decisions based on what I personally would do if I were in the situation. Often that leaves me to the bad end
Sometimes it leads me to the good end, though! I still go back to the bad end if that happens, though.
I come from an adventure gaming background and, like, 75% of games that I play are of that genre. You know, those old school point-and-click games where you have to do pretty much try everything out in order to proceed. As such, that habit seems to have crossed over into VNs: I pretty much try everything out before advancing. I’m just a really curious person and I like seeing the cause and effect of things.
Some bad ends are actually pretty interesting. Most memorable I guess to me is Komari’s bad end which basically initiates the H-scene if you were playing EX . That sort of thing also makes me realize some things about the characters that you don’t see if you merely stick to the good ends. Oh hey, I guess that’s reason #3!
[quote=“Misuzu, post:11, topic:854”]
On a side note my friend got a bad end in Kanon one time where Yuuichi died
[/quote] Where was this? How did I miss this?! Am I going to have to pick through all the choices again to find it?!? AUGH!! X(
[quote=“Pepe, post:12, topic:854”]
When I start playing a VN (without a walkthrough, at least), I usually try to make decisions based on what I personally would do if I were in the situation.
[/quote] That’s what I do, too. For my first runthrough of Sakura Wars V (my first visual novel ever) I put myself in Shinjiro’s shoes and chose what I would do if I were in the situation. I’m a bit of a shy, obedient doormat in real life, so I chose some of the more nobler choices. I ended up with Rosita’s ending, but I did not get the super-secret team coupling attack because I pissed off some of the girls. I did the same thing with Kanon, and I got in Ayu’s route, but turned off the game when I unintentionally stumbled onto her sex scene. I plan to do the same with Little Busters! when the game shows up.
[quote=“Pepe, post:12, topic:854”]
I come from an adventure gaming background and, like, 75% of games that I play are of that genre. You know, those old school point-and-click games where you have to do pretty much try everything out in order to proceed.
[/quote]I grew up with those, too! I played Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Muppet Treasure Island, and a couple other archaic-looking point-and-click adventures. I never managed to complete any of them except MTI, but man, I liked playing them as a kid. :3
[quote=“Pepe, post:12, topic:854”]
That sort of thing also makes me realize some things about the characters that you don’t see if you merely stick to the good ends.
[/quote]Isn’t that the same thing as you said with #1?
oh my god
Bando shiyou. Bando mei wa… Ritoru Basutazu da!
It was in Mai’s route at the very end
Where Yuuichi runs outside and where Mai is supposed to jump off the roof
Except before she jumps off the roof the demon came out and killed Yuuichi and Mai watched
Her moms dead either way.
Either deal with it, or go to a warzone for several days, was it perhaps weeks even? And be tortured, followed by dealing with it.(Or dying if there was no magic)
I fail to see how the true end was a better course of action.
You use these tags [spoiler] [/spoiler*] between your text. Remove the asterisk from the second tag. I only put it there because it would just blur out an empty space.
Riki’s supposed to help them let go of their regrets and grow from them, not refuse to acknowledge them.
ahaha such a mindfuck
time to go back and finish those! I played a lot of the old school ones when I was a teen, actually haha.
It’s the difference between “what would have happened” and “what secret personalities do the characters hide”
See, with the first one, it could have been avoided if you chose differently. But the latter, even if you chose differently, that part of the character’s personality would still be there. Like Riki being a pervert. Though I guess they reveal it even more in Saya’s route lol
I swear I only noticed this today >_< BUT HEY WHY NOT