Just go post that in the Kyou route topic and watch all the hate going towards you (me included). 
That aside, I coincide that I liked how Naomi Hisaya writes those two Kanon routes, and that Maeda is my favorite writer, but I have mixed feelings about whether he’s all that good or not.
I feel like Maeda has great ideas and developments for the concept of a whole VN. An example would be CLANNAD, where he is given the task of writing After Story, so we could say that he almost have full control over the VN. However when having to write only one single route without having all the control he wants over the main character or the way the whole VN theme is going to develop, he doesn’t always nail it. An example of this would be Mai’s route in Kanon.
Finally Planetaria is amazingly written, as you said, but I think that also has to do with the fact that there are no choices and the entirety of the story was written by the same person, unlike route based VNs where having multiple writers is something common. I don’t want to say that Yuichi had it easier to achieve a better result though. He demonstrated that he is completely capable of various things in a single VN: beautiful writing, excellent use of metaphors, philosophical theming and emotional impact.