Kazamatsuri.org » Little Busters!: EX Doki Translation Update: 79% Translated. | Kazamatsuri.org

Spotted on the /r/visualnovels subreddit, Bayleefqween has noted that the translation status of Little Busters!: EX has progressed slightly after very little progress over the past months. 79% of the new lines have now been translated. We're one small step closer to being able to play Little Busters!: EX and ME in English! You can view the spreadsheet detailing the status of the translation here.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/little-busters-ex-doki-translation-update-79-translated/

I will get this the moment it’s finished. It’s kinda weird for me that Little Busters is one of my absolute favorite storylines, and yet I haven’t even experienced it in full yet.


I know that feeling :stuck_out_tongue:


Can’t wait!


This has taken a long time to get anywhere near completion but I am damn sure its going to be worth it. Been holding off on watching the anime adaptation because I don’t wan’t to spoil it for my self! At least its moving along the last time I checked it was way back on 68% I think. Slowly but surely we are getting there!

Good decision. I can tell you that the routes in the VN are better than the anime adaptations even with machine translations in my opinion.

Yeah I originally watched Little Busters! (Before Refrain aired) and then decided to play the VN which was my first ever VN experience. I enjoyed it so much more than the anime, don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the anime but for me the VN was a better experience and more immersive for obvious reasons.

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