KazaCraft Working Bee!

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Here’s what you can look forward to! We’re 99% done, we just need that one final push to get the final details sorted! Here’s hoping this’ll be the last push.

If we make enough progress, there’ll be an after-hours ecstasy club where we get to work on SPOILERS.

Look forward to seeing lots of you there! And don’t forget, if you contribute just a little, you’ll be included in our credits!


I see that Haruka in the background, and all I can think is “that day, humanity received a grim reminder…”


That’s no coincidence, since the early days of the project she’s been called Harujin.

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How would we help out anyways?

A basic rundown of tasks that need to be completed…

  • Design the interior of some extracurricular rooms
  • Interior of some girls dorms.
  • Toilets?
  • Personalisation! This includes stuff like, personaling individual characters’ dorms and classrooms to better reflect that character’s environment (ie. adding custom items to chests, like Kendo equipment to Kengo’s room or Mon Petit in Rin’s room. Adding signs and books. Making rooms look less identical, etc.) This is probably what we’ll be spending the most effort on!
  • Anything else that we decide needs work.

After-hours ecstasy spoilers club! (Yes that means EX route content):

* Finish work on the Saya route dungeon! This involves designing the trap and exit rooms of each floor.

Outside of the actual building, we also require help on doing some spriting for our avatars, and some assets for our custom resource pack. These include player skins for the entirety of the Little Busters! cast (we’ve completed a few of them already), and a baseball sprite to replace ghast fireballs.

As a stretch goal if we end up having surplus manpower and time:

  • Build the beach!

And maybe some more stuff.

I’ll update this post with more if anything comes to mind!

EDIT: Also, express your interest here so we know how many to expect!


this would be great to participate in.
but is it okay for beginners like me to participate? I mean I might make the progress slower by participating since idk how things work in minecraft :komue:

Well, do you own Minecraft? :stuck_out_tongue:
Beginners are welcome~

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I, for one, embrace a world with a giant Haruka.


Are any mods or texture packs required? or are all the little extras done with a resource pack?

Anyhow, I’m interested in joining in on this.

Just vanilla minecraft, there’s a server resource pack that you can download when you enter.

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And we’re live! Hop on Discord to join in!
EDIT: I’d call that a success! We had @Wizzerd, @Armando_Rl and @RyuuTamotsu help us out with personalising all the rooms, and we got a lot of work done! This means that all of the manual building work for our initial release is complete!
We still have some spriting for the resource pack and some MCEditing stuff to do before we’re ready to go public, but the building is done. Thank you to everyone who helped work on this project!

The plan now is to publisize the server once we’re ready and keep it online as something anybody can come and look at. We’ll host some official tours/parties on the server and have lots of fun with mods and stuff. But there’s also the matter of the spoilers content that we can’t really show everyone because not everyone wants to see EX spoilers.

Our plan right now is to wait until Little Busters! PE launches on Steam, when everyone has had a chance to read the spoilers, and then go live with version 2.0 of our LB school. Before then, I’d like to get some work done on some additional stuff, like the beach! We have quite a few months left to get that done, so there’s plenty of time to just relax and enjoy the vanilla server right now.

Oh, and one more thing! Before we can go public with the server, we need to take a bunch of screenshots we can use to make our own version of the Little Busters! OP to use as a trailer to attract people to our build. We’ll need some help for that from everyone who was involved, so I hope I can count on your support!


Oh my god!, I haven’t known that you created this event too. I want to help you create it too. But I didn’t play minecraft at least once time! What should I do?!

You missed it already…

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This looks really awesome.

R…Really? Sorry.:sweat_smile:

I can help with that anytime! That’s going to be one crazy OP :kgoha:
Thanks for mentioning me though I didn’t do much :yahaha:

Congratulations for 99% competition!
Good job for KazaCraft!
BTW: Building not in a line is not look nice (in minecraft) but accurate for represent. :slight_smile:

We agreed that it looked weird when it it’s a line, so decided to have it diagonal. It does look weird sometimes yeah, but in most places of the project we valued accuracy rather than looks.

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