This route ended up being my favorite route. Makoto is really endearing, albeit annoying to read at times. She had me going “auu” anytime things inconvenienced me for a couple days. But the ideas of acceptance and family presented in this story are really well done. Not to mention it’s absolutely heartbreaking, but it didn’t feel “bought and paid for” if you know what I mean. It felt like it was only so heartbreaking because of the acceptance and feeling ideas being recurrent and especially well written. I feel like they wrote Makoto to be pitiable, especially during the later half of the story. But they didn’t do it in a way that diminishes her character. Because she was pitiable, but not weak.
I felt the relationship between Yuuichi and Makoto was really nice, but the element of romance did sort of weaken it, in my opinion. Playing the Standard Edition, this H scene where they consummate the romance didn’t feel like it was timed very well, and felt more like it was just sort of included in there because visual novels had to have H scenes as a standard, or something like that. But even without that scene, I feel this route would have been a lot better without a romance. By the time the actual romance in the relationship begins, Makoto is not really in a state to be romanced. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and I couldn’t really get into it.
But that hardly detracted from the route as a whole. I feel it executed its moments wonderfully, delivered its messages wonderfully, and reinforced its themes wonderfully.