Kanon - Common Route General Discussion

Some really good posts guys!

Also sorry, forgot to add a poll before now! You can now rate the common route :stuck_out_tongue:

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An observation about reading Kanonā€™s common and in general I am finding I notice the music a lot more overtly noticeable than when I played CLANNAD - possibly because I still havenā€™t really attempted the voice patch - but I am really loving it this way too so it is the only audio competing for my attention. I am really loving this soundtrack a lot.

Yuuichi is in a town that he should remember from 7 years ago that is lost in his memories. It is like by forgetting it he froze it in time as symbolized by the snowy atmosphere and the way the way his old relationship that he had left unresolved are soon surrounding him again.

I really like the use of snow, white, and dreams play with each other visually. The white snow that covers everything makes gives the town a vague airy feeling, the short lines of text on the white background further ties the white in visually to dreams - it gives you the feeling of dream logic by which I mean the way you can know something in a dream but all of the details are not necessarily present to be observed, and is reminiscent of how the world feels when you walk outside on a sunny snowy day - basically blinded by white and unable to make anything.

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I think the points of introduction for each of the main characters is worth talking about.

Itā€™s interesting that the first character weā€™re introduced to is Nayuki. Sheā€™s not the cover character, and sheā€™s not the star, but sheā€™s our anchor in the story and our guide to the setting. Throughout common weā€™re going to spend a lot of time with Nayuki, pretty much every day, so I think itā€™s good that we meet her immediately. Her introduction is surprisingly sullen, considering her character, but Yuuichiā€™s needling of her helps to establish their siblingish chemistry.

The second love interest we meet is Ayu. Ayu gets top billing on the box art, and is basically the poster child for Kanon, so it makes sense to meet her early on. Her introduction is memorable, and I would go so far as to call it iconic. Itā€™s a textbook meet cute, and they make no effort to hide that fact.

Shioriā€™s introduction is interesting, because sheā€™s pretty much a non-actor in her opening scene. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s unfortunate or a commentary on her character itself, but itā€™s certainly unusual.

Makotoā€™s introduction is very dramatic, and the 2006 anime made it even moreso by having it be a cliffhanger intro. In the visual novel, we get this really cool CG that totally doesnā€™t fit her childish character. Honestly, I think Makotoā€™s introduction is kind of weird, because itā€™s dramatic and memorable, but it doesnā€™t establish who she is as a character. I think itā€™s supposed to create this mystery of ā€œHow does she know Yuuichi?ā€ but instead it just makes us feel like sheā€™s gonna be this awesome action girl that she really isnā€™t.

Maiā€™s introduction is entirely optional, and I think thatā€™s a bold move. Sheā€™s a mysterious character, and I think the fact that you might not even find her on your first play through makes her all the more mysterious. If Makotoā€™s entrance was misleading in itā€™s sense of danger, Maiā€™s really delivers.


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