How do you invite your friends to the Key universe? (without spoiling it)

Been meaning to reply this thread and honestly in my opinion, the best way to invite your friends to the Key Universe without spoiling it is to let them discover it themselves. Maybe mention about one of the anime series and what they’re about every now and then when they ask what have you been doing for fun, and if they are interested, say “I recommend checking it out”.

On the other hand if they’re not interested then it’s best not to force the series on them and let them discover it themselves. Cause if you force any of the series on them, there’s a good chance they might not like it and it might cloud their judgement towards the other Key works. And as @Yerian said, Key is not really for everybody. There are some who can’t stand their works and they have their own reasons so you can’t necessarily stop them from feeling how they feel. The only thing you can do is let them discover the works themselves and if they don’t want to or they don’t like them, that’s fine. Can’t win them all.

With that being said, one of my short term goals is to let my Mom see Clannad and Clannad After Story one day. ^^


Angel Beats was pretty huge among anime fans over here, so half of my friends watched that of their own accord and fell in love with it. From there it was pretty easy to suggest the other Key anime given they were from the same creator.

On the other hand, I’ve managed to convert someone who was a fan of Type Moon VNs onto Key ones just by suggestion and stressing the good emotional journey it takes you on.

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Well some of you already know it, but I made my mom watch clannad, and shes in the middle of S2 now.

I just said: “yo mom I want you to watch a really, nice, family friendly anime that you would love for sure, youre gonna laugh a lot and maybe even cry, I really believe youll watch it cuz youre the kind of person that would like it, and also its also something that will be forever in my heart, thats how much it affected me. Wanna give it a go?”
Thats how I basically “invited” her to Clannad, and Im planning to do that to more of Key’s works, like angel beats.
A lot of people said that I should make her read the VN but she doesnt have that much time, but I guess this way I didnt really give anything away and still got her excited :p.


Invite them to my room :expressionless:
No really my friends always ask about things in my collection (mostly Key) that they don’t recognize.
Two of my friends are watching Clannad right now ( I guess clannad and angel beats are the safest to start with)

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Considering your room, yeah, I guess that’s as good a way as any

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By throwing in their face a bucket full of water when they least expect it then say: “That’s how your face will look like after Clannad”

Best method ever ! It really works, 100% guaranteed ! :sunglasses:

… Recently, I noticed that my number of friends was decreasing… I still wonder why :confused:


I believe to use the anime to introduce Key is easy. Angel Beats or Clannad are enough good to hook someone.
The worse is when I wanted to introduce with the visual novel. Fortunately, I warned my friends about the marketing and the reality for many of game. He still was surprised and a little terrified by the CG after looking on internet but my reputation was not too destroyed.

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  • That’s one of the weakest links in the chain. Yes, we’re faced with that, specially in the early novels.

  • Having said that, it is also one of the strongest links, because many people who doesn’t like those CG are captivated (nevertheless) and feel empathy because of the awesome stories. Interesting, isn’t it?

The very first steps (introducing the game to a friend) are on a difficult slope road, but then… if they have enough patience, everything changes.

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It’s a lot easier to get people into anime than VNs, so I would start there.

If they’re not even into either medium, then I would recommend “breaking the ice” of the anime medium with shows that are…well, distinctly not Key adaptations, and then maybe recommending a Key anime if they continue to be into it.

Angel Beats is pretty entry-level and has lots of elements to it that make it more easily digestible for newer people (lots of focus on action and slapstick comedy compared to, say, Clannad or Little Busters!), so if they’re completely new to anime then I would start there. Obviously Clannad is the most well received of any Key-related anime, so if that doesn’t do it for them afterwards then nothing else probably will.

Either way, you don’t really wanna bug people too much about watching things. I’ve gotten several people to watch the Clannad anime, but that’s because they’re fellow anime fans that already respect my opinion in regards to anime.