Harmonia Coming to Steam Greenlight & First Screenshots!

Stupid steam. Won’t let me vote because I haven’t bought anything. Excuse me if I only want to buy Key-related visual novels :slight_smile: does anyone have a VN suggestion for me, something very depressing and Key liked ? (No rape). I wanna buy that so I can vote for the Harmonia thing.

Yeah I have a great one. It’s called “planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~”


I think (not 100% sure) but if you DL a demo it will work. If not a cheaper VN I liked is “The Way We All Go” (http://store.steampowered.com/app/352610/) has a bunch of short routes (I think like 30 with each taking ~2 hours). Can’t think of any Key type novels except as @Pepe said, planetarian.

In fact it will not work. I have some full games gifted to me and I can’t vote cuz I’ve never bought anything

Do you know if a free game will work?

You could also buy something, vote and refund the game.

I already bought that in the App Store. And I said I wasn’t a fan of it.

And no, a free game won’t work :confused: Says the game has to be over 5.99

You can try

but Steam says they’ll get mad at you if you abuse the system so idk if you’d get away with it.

To be completely honest, if you are a fan of Key, I would think that would be killing two birds with one stone. Regardless of whether you actually really like planetarian or not, by buying it, not only would you supporting Key through the purchase of their product, but also by then being able to show support by voting for Harmonia.

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When will the greenlight for Harmonia will end?

I think I can charge money on Thursday.

Oh, well, I haven’t really memorized your opinions yet :stuck_out_tongue:

How about “eden* they were only two on the planet”

GreenLight campaigns last until it’s successful or the company takes it down I believe. I think Steam will take it down if it breaks their ToS but I don’t recall something running out of time.

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Okay thanks, I’m gonna vote as soon as I have money and tell some of my friends who has steam account to vote for it, even though they aren’t otakus.

Wait so you have to buy something more than $6 in order to vote on greenlight? so I cant just buy oj dlc?

Maybe Steam has these little quirk things, like a secret premium service, you might have to spend more than $6 or $10 in a single purchase/cart.

Does anyone else realize that more than half of the bone-headed idiots who voted “no” for Harmonia thought that it was gonna be a dating sim ? If you aren’t gonna even read the description or watch the PV, then don’t even vote. Plus, I don’t understand why Steam even needs to do a vote, Harmonia is probably a better story than over 75% of the visual novels they license.

Because there’s a ton of dicks on the internet. People assume stupid things and it’s hard to change it. You just have to deal with it. At least the people we know and the people here on kazamatsuri will vote yes so that should be enough anyways


They aren’t the type of people who’d buy it, in which case voting “no” is the right thing to do.

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If they weren’t gonna buy it, they shouldn’t have even voted…

The whole point of Greenlight having a button for people who aren’t interested is for them to press it if they aren’t interested. You can’t fault people for just using Greenlight as intended. Rude comments are one thing, but if people genuinely aren’t interested in the game then it can’t be helped. Some no votes is just a more accurate way to judge general interest and is hardly gonna kill the chances of it being Greenlit. It’s not a crazy high bar.

I feel like VisualArts calling them “negative votes” on their Facebook page is really misleading, since they’re not explicitly people who dislike the game, they’re going to be largely be people who truly aren’t interested. Obviously I can’t see the voting numbers so I can’t say for sure, but I’d guess however many Interested/Not interested votes they have should probably have been something expected for a brand new IP visual novel of all things that’s being brought to a behemoth platform like Steam. Knowing the rough demographic of Steam, you just can’t expect the vast majority of users to be interested in something niche like this, and the (relatively) small portion of Steam users that patrol Greenlight will show it with their vote. Not that I’m trying to downplay how the team would feel because, yeah, it would never feel good to see people expressing they wouldn’t buy your game, but it’s not something worth overthinking.

TL;DR What @Takafumi said. They’re just doing what they’re asked to, and unless there’s some proof that their voting intent is malicious it isn’t accurate or fair to call them dicks or idiots or whatever. Let’s cool it down.


Oh yeah my bad. I might not have it clear that I was talking about the commenters in my reply. Basically the people who vote no aren’t necessarily the people in the comments but the ones who are in the comments may be trolls or just too ignorant to understand.