Hands-on preview of Little Busters English Edition at character1!

You must have played Pinball at some point in your life. This is basically Pinball that also induces a strong hatred towards cats.


Rest assured I have indeed played pinball (badly) and I already have a strong hatred of cats ( though an embarrassing otaku liking for cat-eared maids :hugging: )

Since I like cats and have no idea what this mini-game is about now apparently, Iā€™m going to ask this:

Huh? Should I know this ahead of reading the VN or not?

Itā€™s just a mini game, and you experience it plenty of times throughout the novel.

All right then, I understand that enough. Thanks!

Carry on then.

Only if you want her to (Tomoyo spoilers) win the student council election :wink: thatā€™s a special option needed for the secret Little Busters Tomoyo route


Thanks for giving a brief highlight/updates about the Steam LB VN coming out.

I have honestly never played the game before, so despite knowing some stuff from the anime, I am going into this relatively blind. I think the tablet stuff is legit really cool, though I donā€™t have one and hopefully the computer controls for some of the functions theyā€™re talking about (jumping back and forth between choices, faster skipping, etc) transfer nicely over to typical Keyboard and Mouse controls, since thatā€™s how I will be playing it.

One thing that really excites me is the Batting/Baseball minigame thing. So far, the extent of gameplay/interactivity I have done in Key Visual Novels (or VNā€™s in general) is usually something like this:

Mitsuru: Umā€¦ pā€¦ please go out on a date with me.

(Choice Time)

  • So ermā€¦ do you have any preference for kid names?
  • Roses are red, violets are blue. You stink like a dead skunk and you look like one too.

720p HD is also nice (HD GREEEEPHICS) and the resizing thing is really nice too.


Obviously Mitsuru is a masochist so the second choice sends you on her route :smirk:


Man this looks so awesome!

Iā€™m quite a fan of the new UI, having all the options in clear selectable buttons rather than all possible options popping out from the side, itā€™s nice to have more distinction between the menu screen and the game screen.

I also like the look of the new save/load screen, with thumbnails and all, I just hope that we can still name saves, even though it appears to show the text present at that moment, and probably whatever decision is at that save point.

And the transitions, my god the transitions :happy: so smoooooooth!


Very interesting video. Iā€™m glad to see @RyuuTamotsu had lots of fun over there. Sounds like this is truly going to be very awesome with Little Busters! I like how youā€™re able to swipe the text screen and skip as much dialogue you need to or even go back to a previous state so you can experience it all over again. The batting practice minigame looks very smooth in detail and having to swipe the screen moving Riki about is pretty neat! Quite interesting. Also, switching between Japanese and English is quite remarkable too. Iā€™ve never used Microsoft Surface before but that does look pretty cool! Iā€™m definitely looking forward to it!

Also, the kinniku dance with Ryuu and Takahiro Baba was quite funny. :haha:

Latest update from Key/Visual Arts is that ā€œCurrently, we are doing further quality improvement for release. I am pleased if you can wait a little more until the launch.ā€ ( thatā€™s a machine translation).

So, sounds like the hard graft has been done and they are now just making it even more shiny. This sounds very hopeful for a release before too longā€¦

Edited to add the source as requested: http://key.visualarts.gr.jp/info/2017/05/_greenlight.html

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