Currently Airing Anime

I’ll be honest, that gif gave me the heebie-jeebies o.O

Can I just watch Gochiusa forever and never stop? Is that so much to ask?


Gochiusa is so damn adorable, holy shit

Also @uppfinnarn, I’d make that an infinite ‘Non Non Biyori -> Kiniro Mosaic -> Gochiusa -> repeat’ loop^^

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The endless eight… of adorable anime!


It’s certainly the cutest

together with Yuri Yuri my favorite SoLs in one season

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I believe this is the more appropriate topic for this discussion:

I do.
It’s from Kamachi Kazuma-sensei, the author of To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Therefore, I can’t help but keep comparing Heavy Object to Index and find it lacking in many areas. It just isn’t quite as interesting and entertaining. I’ve only read 2 volumes of the Heavy Object Light Novel, so the anime will go far beyond what I know about it and I’m hoping it’ll get better with time.

Wow glad that I’m not the only one reading To aru Majutsu no Index and heavy Object light novel

I have to agree with you on this point, compared to Index, Heavy Object just feels like it doesn’t cover the same level in terms of depth and characters. But don’t worry it slowly, but surely gets better and personally I think the anime does a better job in presenting the characters as likable compared to the novel. So yeah, I really recommend you to keep watching it.

You’re certainly not the only one around here. In fact, we’ve got a whole topic dedicated to Toaru. I can’t really speak for people reading both, though. Heavy Object doesn’t seem acclaimed enough for me to sink my time into it where there are so many other light novels I could be reading. I’d be curious to hear more from the people reading it in the light novel topic if anyone cares to write about it.

I’m kinda obligated to have actual content in my post here so here we go.

I don’t have much feeling for this season so far, granted it’s early on and most of what I’m watching is throwaway garbage with @Bonecuss. One Punch Man has been fun so far but still hasn’t really done anything to make me too interested. I don’t know where the story is heading but it’d be nice to see it go somewhere beyond its current comedy state. I get that it’s got deeper overtones and whatnot but I can’t help preferring shows with a more tangible overall plot. It’s still really early on so I’m not at all worried, and I’ve got faith the show will ratchet up as the weeks go by. Very solid stuff, but doesn’t feel exceptional just yet.

Owari no Seraph is probably more meh than it was last season. I didn’t expect anything less really but none of the characters feel compelling and Yuu isn’t an edgemaster anymore so I can’t even poke fun at that. True to form the opening song just feels misplaced against the overall tone and pacing of the animation. Also keeping with tradition the ending is actually pretty cool, although I prefer the one from the first season by a good margin. They’d need to do something damn impressive if they want to regain my interest, but from the way the story and characters appear to be shaping up I’m rather skeptical of that happening.

I’m a week behind right now but the only other show I’m watching worth commenting on is Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry. Not because it’s anything remarkable or even worth watching, but the 4th episode at least had me rather interested for something that I had absolutely no expectations for. Fight was pretty entertaining (albeit cliche) and the ending scene threw me for a bit of a loop given how it broke one of the key rules of generic combat high school harem light novel adaptation trash, namely that the romance remains stagnant to enable the protagonist’s shitty harem. Of course the show is still pretty mediocre, and I don’t know where it’s taking this romance but given how @Bonecuss and I have watched a decent amount of this trash together by now this is perhaps the first time I’ve actually had a show like this exceed my expectations. Then again I watch shows like this with zero expectations so just about the only direction my opinion can go is up. Regardless of what happens I’m rather interested to watch more.

So yeah, that’s about it. Planning on adding Subete ga F ni Naru to my stack whenever I find the time, but other than that nothing seems to have stood out too much.


Rule #6 of Otaku fantasy for Otaku self-insert series: The protagonist can pick a girl without destroying his harem.

Rule #19 of Otaku fantasy for Otaku self-insert series: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu will voice either the protagonist or a mid-boss villain

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Okay let’s make a list now that we’re a few episodes into the season

  • Comet Lucifer: I dunno what to think about this really, it’s watchable but I have no idea what they’re even trying to do here, I have no idea where this is supposed to be going and i don’t even really care about any of the characters
  • Concrete Revolutio: Weirdest show this season, the constant jumping between years confuses me sometimes because I always think “wait they just did that and now they’re in the future again and this happens after or before that other future in the other episode and wat?” Thought this was gonna be like Punch Line at first, but… nope
  • Garo: Highly doubt I’ll finish this, this is even more boring than the first season and the characters are all sooo bland and uninteresting, holy shit
  • Gochiusa: Not a lot to say here, it’s as enjoyable as the first season and Chino and Sharo are the best
  • Heavy Object: Is this seriously written by RailDex’s author? That’s interesting, because I love RailDex but this is just generic (but still kinda watchable), truly fascinating^^
  • Lance n’ Masques: Not sure why I’m still watching this, I guess I have nothing better to do? I can feel my brain cells dying during this, worst show this season for me, generic and boring plot, lame characters I don’t give a shit about, cringeworthy “comedy”…
  • One Punch Man: I love this, the comedy is great, the action looks awesome and the quality is top! While the first 3 episodes were great on their own they were basically mostly setup, and only with ep4 the “real plot” seems to be starting, which is good because I was wondering where this was going too, I’m expecting more greatness from the rest of this show^^
  • Shomin Sample: Certainly not the best show and also mostly a very standard cast of characters, but it’s oddly enjoyable with those (idiot-)girls not knowing anything about … anything? Not sure if I like this development towards a boring harem situation, I feel like the Kimito/Aika-Duo was enough for this show to work with, but we’ll see
  • Owarimonogatari: Well, I love Monogatari, and I love Ougi as a character, and so far I haven’t been disappointed at all; finally learning more about Araragi’s past and how he became the person he is, and Sodachi is interesting too (and I thought Hanekawa’s family was f’ed up^^), tho I can’t really see her becoming one of the main cast right now… looking forward to the conclusion of the current arc and the final arc after that, finally answering what happened between the end of Shinobu Time and the end of Tsubasa Tiger in Second Season
    Also +1 for the symbolism:
  • Sakurako-san: The visuals are certainly nice, and the premise sounded promising… but they aren’t doing anything with it! All we got here is this episodic detective show with the occasional hint at some character depth for Sakurako, I really hope we’ll get some actual character building within the next few episodes
  • The Perfect Insider: Honestly the better of the 2 detective shows here; there’s more backstory to this and an overarching plot for the entire show, but I wish we’d get more insight into the thought processes of Saikawa and Nishinosono, not just slowly learn about Shiki’s character through flashbacks and her environment
  • Utawarerumono: Good fantasy story so far, seems a bit more… “down-to-earth” maybe (and better paced), than the first season, which had a looot of stuff going on in a very short time (like Hakuoro going from guy without memories in some small village to emperor within like 7 or 8 episodes), quite enjoying it overall
  • Young Black Jack: Pretty episodic as well, feels like it’s just Hazama constantly getting exploited and fucked over while slowly building his character, but I don’t know the old Black Jack series, so I have no idea where this is going… I guess it might work as a prequel, but as a show on its own it lacks some continuity imo
  • Yuru Yuri: Same as Gochiusa, I’m enjoying it a lot but don’t have a lot to say about it, Sakurako and Himawari just need to kiss already!^^


So those were the normal-length shows, but I’m also watching a few shorts, they’ll get their own list:

  • Hacka Doll: Pretty silly, kinda amusing, but overall mostly crap^^
  • JK Meshi: I said Lance n’ Masques was the worst show this season, but if we counted shorts into that, this would take the crown (of shittiness), because hoooly shit is this shit, who even thought this was a good idea? This is so horrible I can’t look away, like the flash-animation equivalent of a train-crash, really kudos to the 1 guy in his basement who made this
  • Komori-san: Boring and uninteresting, but not shit enough to drop, that’s all
  • Kowabon: Still haven’t started it… not sure if I will start it…eh^^
  • Onsen Yousei: Not sure why but this makes me think of Ika Musume, if they improved this a bit and added some interesting human main-characters I feel like this would work as an episodic full-length show, it’s amusing

Still haven’t started Owari no Seraph because I just can’t motivate myself to do it, especially if it’s even worse than the first season like @LinkThinks said…
Oh and Hidan no Aria AA is still at 0eps as well, meh

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I’m curious if he can actually do any voices besides the one he always uses. I’ve hated him for a while just because in 2014 and early 2015 he was in pretty much everything I watched and always sounded the exact same.

I’m not sure how you think this when you’re watching Shomin Sample. I dropped after 3 episodes but at that point all the comedy was either “what is cellphone? what is ramen?” or the same thing from any other ecchi harem comedy. LnM isn’t that great but it’s enjoyable for me at least.

I’d say it’s on par. If you didn’t like the first season you probably won’t like this.

Huh, I heard the adaptation of Utawarerumono was pretty good. It felt reasonable in the VN at least, considering everything that he was doing.

I don’t really know either, I mean I know it’s not a good show, maybe it’s because it at least tries to be original with its premise? Dunno^^

[quote=“Takafumi, post:361, topic:28”]
Huh, I heard the adaptation of Utawarerumono was pretty good
[/quote]Oh I didn’t mean to imply it’s bad, it’s pretty good actually, I just wanted to say that it’s quite a lot to take in because so much happens in a single episode which makes it pretty hard to marathon

How can you hate the guy? While his voices are indeed similar, his acting itself is first-class. He’s really good at conveying emotions and being the tsukkomi in comedy scenes. Remember Sakurasou? He was soooo good as Sorata.
He kinda makes some anime a little bit better just by having a role there. His role as Kirihara in Rakudai Kishi actually made me watch it up to episode 4. That battle in episode 4 - that I’m-shitting-my-pants-panic-screaming by Kirihara was some good stuff.

I’m just so tired of hearing the same voice over and over. Be is a good actor (Tale of the Worst One and Food Wars! are two roles of his I like) but for a while he was super overused and there’s others that are talented and do different voices.

I get this with Kanahana sometimes. I like to time how long it takes for an anime to include her. Tokyo Ghoul was like… 5 seconds or something.
But then I remember that it’s Kanahana, so it’s okay… Well, most of the time. I didn’t like her as Marry.

What’s she in this season btw?

I think she’s only in Owarimonogatari and Ushio and Tora. Going off her wiki page while waiting for class so I’m probably missing something.

With her I don’t mind as much as Kosaki, Kanade, Ubiquitous (I think that’s how you spell it, justice girl from Akame ga Kill) all sound different. You can tell it’s her but it’s not pretty much the same voice over and over.

Check out Zetsuen no Tempest if you have the time. That’s where I think Hanakana played her best (or should I say most fitting?) role yet.

What @Doublethree1 said, from the stuff I’m watching she’s only Nadeko in Owarimono, but even there it’s just 1 little flashback so far
Not doing a lot this season, not even a minor character somewhere, takin it easy maybe

And I quite like her voice, Tonari no Seki-kun was fun because it was basically just Hanakana monologuing for 21 7min episodes (with a few exceptions here and there)^^

You’re not missing much… So far it’s been pretty meh.