Currently Airing Anime

Anime spoiler It’s meant to represent her “inverted” state of mind. If you put her uniform in negative, it becomes like the others.

Oh that makes sense. Does that mean it’s actually green but looks blue to us?

On the off chance that you’ve overlooked or didn’t watch season one Gatchaman Crowds: Insight is pulling no punches this season. It’s addressing all the worries and unrealities about it’s first season whilst covering so much related to gamification, society in the modern age, elections, how the media controls and destroys people etc… And all that is connected to a show that at it’s very heart is heavily critical and exploratory of the superhero genre, denying it in it’s modern gritty way in favour of an optimistic but still down to earth fashion.

Even the individual characters themselves are playing off and destroying common tropes. It’s probably one of the most stand out shows of the year at this point. Easily so.

That sounds fantastic, I never watched the first season because I’ve been hearin relatively bad things, but the art and music is amazing so I may give it a try

The main reason people are overlooking the second season is because the first wasn’t liked outside of exclusive groups… Groups I didn’t even know existed until this season. The original was great and well-liked, but the remakes changed up a looot of stuff.

I remember trying to watch it ages ago because the designs looked cool, but I got bored of it. The characters sucked, and nothing ever happened. It doesn’t help that there were a lot of other popular franchises that season to overshadow it.

Now that we’re halfway through, my opinions again:

  • Aoharu: It’s nothing special really, but enjoyable to watch while having breakfast
  • Chaos Dragon: Pretty disappointing tbh, so bland and rushed and… I keep hoping that it’ll get better but every week the same thing
  • Charlotte: see Charlotte episode threads^^
  • Classroom Crisis: When I realized that it wouldn’t be about spaceships but about corporations n stuff I thought I’d drop it, but I kept going and it’s kinda amusing
  • Danchigai: funny little short, don’t have a lot to say about it
  • Durarara: Very episodic, but also more interesting than x2 Shou for some reason
  • Gakkou Gurashi: Really great, probably the biggest surprise this season, but kinda depressing :smiley:
  • Gangsta: It’s alright… mhm…
  • Gatchaman: Makes you think more than the first season and I like it, Gel-chan is dangerous, damn naive Tsubasa!
  • Gate: I’m enjoying it, it’s something different, Lelei is top
  • God Eater: Well, game-adaption with meh plot, but the action scenes are pretty, especially Ep3
  • Himouto: So fun to watch, Umaru knows how to enjoy life :3
  • Kuusen Madoushi: dropped
  • Million Doll: semi-dropped, might continue
  • Monster Musume: Good adaption really, Papi and Suu still the best
  • Non Non Biyori: I smell a conspiracy, the episode length says 20min, but they feel like 5min! Too short! Need more! Am smiling all the way through! HNNNG!
  • Okusama ga Seitokaichou: Mediocre ecchi, but watchable and amusing
  • Overlord: Got so into it that I skimmed over a few LN volumes, so I kinda spoiled myself for some things… but at least I can look forward to them now^^
  • Prison School: Dat artstyle, and nice comedy, only complaint I have is the censoring :confused:
  • Rokka no Yuusha: It’s a good fantasy and I like most of the characters, and interesting stuff going on there
  • Symphogear: (Ep6 spoiler:) Did the antagonist kill herself halfway through the season? D: I think it’s the best Symphogear season so far
  • Shimoneta: SOX! Very fun ecchi comedy, made me lol quite a few times
  • Sore ga Seiyuu: It’s mediocre, but so enjoyable that I just can’t stop watching it, Futa-Futa a best

And of course Souma is still going on, just as good as ever

I feel that’s slightly doing the show a disservice. Like, unless I’m mistaken, there hasn’t been a single ‘ecchi comedy’ scene. There’s been a million sex jokes, but most of the overt terrible sex shizz hasn’t been comedic. Or rather, it’s playing off it’s lighter comedic elements to tie together a huge condemnation of purity culture…

Which is surprising. Given how blegh it’s first episode was, yet every episode has been better than the last.

We can call it Not!Porn-comedy or Seitokai-Yakuindomo-style comedy or whatever, I dunno, the point is that it’s fun^^

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Agreed! And Im not watching anything else shoujo-ish this season, so why the hell not.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:291, topic:28”]
Chaos Dragon
[/quote]Actually, around episode 3 and 4, this picked up a ton for me. I actually started understanding what was going on because the execution got a bit better, and as I said before, I think the concept is great. I really love the stylization stuff they do at the end of each episode. That said, it still isnt great. And every time the huge CG dragon comes on screen is just bleh, makes the whole show seem so silly.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:291, topic:28”]
[/quote]Ewww no, GATE has been extremely dull. Way too much talking about nothing and political foreshadowing, not near enough action. I thinking I might drop it.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:291, topic:28”]
Kuusen Madoushi
[/quote]This was one of those I went into 100% believing that I was gonna drop it. The concept and characters look so cliche and boring from the outside. But this has surprised the hell outta me. I mean, sure its not amazing. But the directing is awesome. And it actually, like wants you to connect with the characters and shit by showing you backstory and stuff. So Ive kept on watching it and enjoying it.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:291, topic:28”]
Rokka no Yuusha
[/quote]Same as GATE, was kinda excited for this after the first episode but instead it ended up being pretty dull and convoluted.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:291, topic:28”]
[/quote]Dropped. Didnt find it funny. Felt like they just kept using the same three jokes over and over again, couldnt tell what the point was, so I didnt find it interesting.

I will also say that Ushio to Tora has been exactly what I expected, which is awesome, over-the-top fun. And, I was confused what @Aegair meant when he said awhile ago that Ranpo Kitan’s plot seemed to not be matching up with the show’s style, but I think I finally understand what he’s saying. Definitely still a great show though if you can handle the disturbing serial killer stuff.


I mean, if you’re a fan of decades old Japanese horror / mystery it’ll definitely be amazing for peeps. Like even when the show’s bad it’s a) carried by it’s stylization and b) still interesting, since it’s usually bad in ways that are really reflective of attitudes from early to mid 20th century fears.

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O_O I dunno how you manage to watch this continent of animes per season… I’m divided in which of the animes I’m watching will be the best: Gakkou was a surprise, as you said (even when I’ve already read the manga), it’s been a really interesting adaptation… NonNon is relaxing and each episode I watch it gets better (unless the last one, which was kinda boring, except for the fireflies’ scene…) And Charlotte, despite people complaining and calling its episodes ‘fillers’, has been enjoyable for me, with a very good soundtrack, and obviously the most promising.

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Nothing wrong with the concept, but it’s still poorly executed, I think I’ll take a look at the original Red Dragon novel someday

[quote=“Yerian, post:294, topic:28”]
Way too much talking about nothing and political foreshadowing, not near enough action
[/quote]I’m actually expecting even less action as the series progresses, but I actually enjoy some dialogue-heavy shows with lots of worldbuilding :3

[quote=“Yerian, post:294, topic:28”]
it ended up being pretty dull and convoluted
[/quote]It’s pretty character-driven, the actual plot seems to be just going on in the background to keep things coherent, it’s interesting to see how all those different characters interact without really trusting each other

[quote=“Yerian, post:294, topic:28”]
Dropped. Didnt find it funny
[/quote]That’s a matter of comedy-taste I guess, if you don’t like it there’s nothing we can do about that :smiley:

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:296, topic:28”]
I dunno how you manage to watch this continent of animes per season
[/quote]Well, it’s only 1-2 episodes per day, except saturdays with 6 or 7 episodes, and I’m on semester break from uni til early october, so I have time^^

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:296, topic:28”]
I’m divided in which of the animes I’m watching will be the best
[/quote]Yea, deciding on my AOTS Top 5 will be really hard this time, I love this season, so much good stuff…

I’m thinking of picking up the light novels too. So far, Chaos;Dragon’s my guilty pleasure watch this season. There were so many elements in the anime that would have been great in a fantasy series. I hope the light novels are better.

So, I’ve been hearing that Chaos;Dragon and GOD EATER are getting better? I need your opinions if I should give em another chance (since I literally dropped them right after 1 episode, in a way that I really don’t want to pick em up ever again)

Well lets see… I never had any of the expectations for GOD EATER that everyone else had for some reason, so I’ve liked it the whole time. But since episode 1, yeah theres been a lot more action and stuff. I mean its a video game adaptation, so make of it what you will. To me it looks pretty and it sounds pretty. If you dont wanna watch it just for that, then dont watch.

As for Chaos Dragon, I would say yes, it has gotten better. I was extremely close to dropping it in the middle of episode 2, but I hung around for episode 3 and thats where I finally got interested. To me, the whole plot thing, as well as some of the character motivations, finally started to make sense.

So should you pick it back up… ehhhhhh. I dont think you’re missing anything amazing by not watching either of these shows tbh. Have they both gotten better since the first episode, I would say so. Have they completely changed direction so much that if you dropped them at ep 1 you would enjoy them now… naw, probably not.

I’m not impressed by Ranpo Kitan. It’s not much of a mystery since the viewer can’t participate in the riddle-solving. I guess the selling point are the characters. What kinda bothers me is how much the show seems to be trying to make the viewers feel disgusted with everyone who’s not normal in the head, which is kind of a problem.

Chaos;Dragon’s a hit or miss, mostly a miss. If you’re expecting big game changers, no, but it’s certainly getting more interesting. The MC is this huge bomb that makes the show unpredictable at times.

Godeater. It’s still pretty bland for me. But it’s finally going somewhere.

The comic relief is what bothers me, tbh. Many of the characters are just there to be a huge joke or something.

In retrospect, the series is getting better but I’m still not sure if the show is aiming for a darker or lighter tone.

Welcome to almost a century old horror and mystery tropes! Though saying that since the investigators themselves are… well… exactly the same as the villains it is a bit… less completely the worst.

It is a mystery show, it’s just not an orthodox mystery show in the Western sense. In that note watching it can give you a new / better understanding of the kinds of techniques that are spoken about, referenced and part of stuff like Umineko and other Japanese mystery things.

I think that’s kinda the point. Like Edogawa Ranpo’s works, unless I’m mistaken, are more well known for his adolescent novels than his adult ones. Yet this kind of grotesque and perverse nonsense or w/e is prevalent and a major cultural part of his works.

Well, I guess there’s no reason strong enough to make me wanna watch 'em again. Thanks for the opinion. I’ve been hearing that the quality per episode is quite unstable, so I guess I won’t.

Anyway, any comments about School-Live / Gakkou Gurashi being on top of the “Best Summer 2015 Anime” poll, or the poll in general?

I’d probably agree. I’m only watching 9 so I might not be the best to answer but so far out of those it’s the only one without a filler episode, only one I’ve looked forward to every single week, only one I care about all the characters, etc.
I’m shocked IDOLM@STER is 8th in general and 5th for men. This season is really bad compared to the first.