Community Event #3: Low-End Computers Unlimited

I’m -usually- busy on Saturdays… BUT, these happen very early for me. So I’m in. ^^

Have you found a way to make a Key deck or are we just going to play with provided decks?

I’m gonna look at it sometime soon, it’s a good idea. I’ll at least make it include characters from Key, most certainly many dorj cards.

I haven’t found a way to make a custom deck yet, but there’s still time to do so; the event isn’t for a while.

I should get on learning how to play that game. Never tried it before, but a lot of my friends are raving about it.

Hopefully I learn to do so before July XD

Key Deck when.

I’ll see if I can make it day after tommorow.

yo yo yo i’m there for sure

In there fo sho.

Just briefly looking around now, unfortunately it doesn’t seem that there is any way to create custom decks.

Interesting…I’m in. It will be afternoon in my local time :smiley:

Edit: didn’t notice it is 3:00 PM : /

alright, for anyone not in the skype chat, here’s the link:

the password is “key”

we’ll be starting in about a half hour. hope to see you guys there!
oh yeah, and please pick a nickname that we will be able to know you by, that makes it a bit easier for people to get to know you.

Be sure to join the Skype call for maximum fun!

Thanks to the people that were able to make it to the CAH game, and for anyone that missed it, keep your eyes on the forum. I’ll try to have the 4th event thread up in the next few days.

I nominate @AngelofDeath720 for Kazamatsuri Game Event Organizer (Name subject to be altered for being more Key like)

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How about… Game Master?


He’s kind of the only person to make them, so unless someone else pipes in, he’s basically the one to get that.

Reminder that if you missed out, and for some reason want to watch the events, or if you want to relive the experience if you were there, the recording is here:

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