I am in love with her >/////< she’s combination between cool + sweet <3
mba salaaaa XD
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Guys I love your art but please stop double posting :komue:
Thankyouu you also try your best with your art smile it’s beautiful
Mbak sala si buta penyanyi band kece :9
I’m teriiibblllyyyy soorryyyy admin-san…I’m gonna edit it ASAP
You’re welcome…I’m also wait your newest artworks
Beautiful beautiful!! those colors are sweet~ Love how you mixed the oranges and purples and reds… ggghhh I wish I could do that
Love the way you color~ What did you use by the way??? Is it pastel?
This is a pretty piece of art
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52149075
People were fast to jump on the ponytail train.
There is no better hairstyle than the ponytail so I couldn’t be happier!
Hyuu hyuu hyuu~ >3<
She would
Source here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52135216
Translated by an anon at 4chan
She didn’t deny it, lol.
Nao is the perfect stalker :masgrin:
damn you key—shunsuke kissed his siblings at eps 10 moved my kokoro :komue:
now…as the result…I also want big brother
Requesting art/photoshops of Joujirou as the main villain.