Charlotte Anime Bookclub Podcast Episode 3 - "Love and Flames"

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's installment of the Charlotte Anime Bookclub Podcast! This week, we have Aspirety hosting together with Bizkitdoh, myself (Pepe) and another of our regular cast joining us for the first time for this series, Bowiie, who we hope to see more of in the

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Misa with that sassy face and pose. Nice choice for a header.

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You guys have to keep in mind that Yusarin is an idol. Her personality has to be cute, otherwise it won’t attract the fans. She was probably trained to be that way…

It’s not cute it sucks and I find it very satirical.
This also isn’t true. :V

But there is a difference here in her personality is less about being idol cute and more she’s cute like a child. The way they treat her like she isn’t there, and how Nao talks down to her like she is speaking to a child is very off setting for one who is supposed to be a main character.

Tl;dr Everyone treats Yusa in a condescending way, and she does nothing to stop that.

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In terms of “relevance of Misa and her friend’s goodbye scene,” I found it to be very reminiscent of the scene from episode 1 with Yuu and Yumi. Like, how this school is taking people away (having to leave their friends behind) and putting them under tight control.

In terms of observations, you guys neglected to mention the change in the OP, which now contains a whole backstory, written in perfect English I might add. It has little glimpses of all those documents that we saw when they were first releasing info about the characters a couple months ago. I will save my predictions for when Im actually on one of these podcasts :wink:

Bowiie’s prediction was great, as usual! Feels similar to what I was trying to get at with my theory I posted over in the general discussion. Like, once you stop believing, you forget about it and it goes away, so you have to savor youth and that stuff.

Also, btw, really great job on all three podcasts, guys! I’ve really enjoyed all three, and you’ve done really well with the length and stuff.