Charlotte - Angelo Appreciation Topic


That dude easily became (arguably) the single most popular minor character in our local anime community. I like him. But the Engrish was too much. Most people in the Philippines donā€™t even use English for speaking purposes.

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Isnā€™t easily and arguably contradictory? Anyways Angelo definitely deserves this topic.

I dunno man, people generally use english when some scary one-eyed foreigner starts talking to them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And heeey I use english with my friendsā€¦ Though Iā€™m more the exception orz

Oops. XD

Whoops, I must have worded it wrong. We do talk in English when the class requires it, but what made that scene kind of strange is because he was expressing surprise in Englishā€¦ when thereā€™s not much people here (especially in his community) whose first language is English. I dunno, donā€™t people usually express surprise in their first language?

But who knows, he might just have thought ā€œoh look thereā€™s a foreigner in front of me, I should try speaking in Englishā€ at that time. XD

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